Daily backup - Full database backup for SQL 2000

  • Hi all,

    Anyone know,

    1. How to backup 2 database on the same script for example I have two database TESTA and TESTB on the same server.

    2. How to add delete old backup files that are older than 7 days.

    3. How to add copy backup files at 2 backup directory example drive C and Z.

    I have this script from the net but don't know how to do.Really appreciate your help

    declare @backupFileName varchar(100),

    @backupDirectory varchar(100),

    @databaseDataFilename varchar(100),

    @databaseLogFilename varchar(100),

    @databaseDataFile varchar(100),

    @databaseLogFile varchar(100),

    @databaseName varchar(100),

    @execSql varchar(1000)

    Set the name of the database to backup

    set @databaseName = 'TESTA'

    Set the path fo the backup directory on the sql server pc

    set @backupDirectory = 'c:\temp\'

    Create the backup file name based on the backup directory, the database name and today's date

    set @backupFileName = @backupDirectory + @databaseName + '-' + replace(convert(varchar, getdate(), 110), '-', '.') + '.bak'

    select @databaseDataFile = rtrim([Name]),

    @databaseDataFilename = rtrim([Filename])

    from master.dbo.sysaltfiles as files

    inner join

    master.dbo.sysfilegroups as groups


    files.groupID = groups.groupID

    where DBID = (

    select dbid

    from master.dbo.sysdatabases

    where [Name] = @databaseName )

    select @databaseLogFile = rtrim([Name]),

    @databaseLogFilename = rtrim([Filename])

    from master.dbo.sysaltfiles as files

    where DBID = (

    select dbid

    from master.dbo.sysdatabases

    where [Name] = @databaseName )


    groupID = 0

    print 'Backing up "' + @databaseName + '" database to "' + @backupFileName + '" with '

    print ' data file "' + @databaseDataFile + '" located at "' + @databaseDataFilename + '"'

    print ' log file "' + @databaseLogFile + '" located at "' + @databaseLogFilename + '"'

    set @execSql = '

    backup database [' + @databaseName + ']

    to disk = ''' + @backupFileName + '''




    name = ''' + @databaseName + ' backup'',





  • Your scenario is a perfect example as to why a Maintenance Plan would be used. It allows you to select one, multiple, or all databases (system dbs included) in one simple task. Maintenance Plans also make the "cleanup task" one of the most simple steps in the whole process. Unless you are married to a script, I highly recommend you take a look at creating a Maintenance Plan.

    Chris Powell

    George: You're kidding.
    Elroy: Nope.
    George: Then lie to me and say you're kidding.

  • Thanks Chris,it because maintenance plans can't be run manually or execute manually by users.Is there any way to do that ....

  • ridzuan_first (5/25/2011)

    Thanks Chris,it because maintenance plans can't be run manually or execute manually by users.Is there any way to do that ....

    Maintenance plan is supposed to create a job. That job can be started manually in EM if you have the right permissions... but normal users shouldn't have access to that, only DBA (or responsible person in that matter).

  • Thanks,but need a shortcut on the server desktop to ease my users execute it.Is there any way to generate all script from maintenance plan?because plan to deploy 100 over server....

  • ridzuan_first (5/25/2011)

    Thanks,but need a shortcut on the server desktop to ease my users execute it.Is there any way to generate all script from maintenance plan?because plan to deploy 100 over server....

    I've never done that on sql 2000. I know powershell was invented to solve that problem but I don't know if it works on sql 2k.

    But the REAL point is that you should NEVER give that access / responsibility to normal users. So PLZ stay away from that option.

  • My only thing I need to do is delete the old database files older than 7 days.

  • ridzuan_first (6/2/2011)

    My only thing I need to do is delete the old database files older than 7 days.

    Search this site for scripts... there are plenty that do that. Mine is proprietary so it's no use outside our company.

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