job to delete old backups

  • Hi All,

    I have a problem with my maintainence plan. Normally it has to delete the previous day backup and keep todays backup in the specified folder.

    The backup is done successfully but the previous day backup is not being deleted.

    Don't know exactly why it is getting locked.I also tried to delete the previous day backup to ensure the space availabilty just before 10 mins the backup would kick off.

    It is showing an error saying it is being used by some other process...

    At windows i ave tried to see any open sessions,open files are accessing this folder or file.Assuming that some process archving this prev day backup. But it is not so.

    But i guess , sql agent itself is locking the entire folder during the backup operation. What do you say???

    Finally, i thought writing one more job which would kick off before half an hour just before the backup is taken.

    so, i need a batch file which will retrieve all the backup files which is less than getdate() and keeps the most recent one i..e yesterday's backup and delete the remaining so that atleast i can have the latest backup i.e prev day backup even if my today's backup fails.

    i.e assume i have a folder D:\BACKUPDUMP. Here, daily backups will be taken at night 9:30 pm. The backups files are as follows (assume)







    Now suppose today's date is 2010-02-16 and the backup is expected to taken at 9:30 pm.What i need is before the backup can happen, i need a job/query which i can schedule it which will

    delete all the old backups from the folder with an exception of retaining the previous day's backup. That means, the job must delete all backups except


    How can i accomplish this????

    Thanks in advance.

  • Was this running successful before?


  • yes. But now it is failing...

    That to it is working fine in some days but failing in some day's n the days are also are not specific days.

    That's is problem to figure out.

  • try this dos command, u can have it scheduled...

    FORFILES /P <filepath> /S /M *.BAK /D -1 /C "cmd /c del @file"


  • Hi,

    I myself i tried to do some coding and come up with a stored procedure which would delete the previous backups.

    Am putting this for the benefit for all the sql server central team.

    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_delete_old_backups



    CREATE TABLE #Backupfiles


    fname varchar(100),

    removed_dt datetime


    INSERT #Backupfiles(fname)

    EXEC xp_cmdshell 'dir D:\BackupDumps\*.bak /b'

    -- select * from #Backupfiles

    delete from #Backupfiles where fname is null and removed_dt is null

    UPDATE #Backupfiles

    SET removed_dt = convert(datetime,SUBSTRING(fname,15,8),101) --This step is dependent on backupfilename Example : MyApp_db_201002142130.bak

    DECLARE @backup_file VARCHAR(1000)

    DECLARE @cmd VARCHAR(1000)

    -- check if today's backup is avaiable or not.If it is not avaiable , do not delete all the old backups.

    -- Atleast u shud live with the prev's day's backup.

    IF ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #Backupfiles

    WHERE convert(varchar(10),removed_dt,101) = CONVERT(varchar(10),getdate(),101)

    ) > 0 -- MEAN'S it is existing. The count will be 1 which is > 0


    DECLARE del_cur CURSOR FOR -- declare the cursor

    SELECT fname FROM #Backupfiles

    where convert(varchar(10),removed_dt,101) <> convert(varchar(10),GETDATE(),101)

    OPEN del_cur --open the cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM del_cur INTO @backup_file -- fetch the filename and store it in a varaible



    PRINT @backup_file

    SET @cmd = 'exec xp_cmdshell ''DEL D:\BackupDumps\'+@backup_file+''''

    PRINT @cmd

    EXEC (@cmd)

    FETCH NEXT FROM del_cur INTO @backup_file


    CLOSE del_cur

    DEALLOCATE del_cur



    -- KEEP the previous day's backup and delete the remaining all backups

    -- Special case , even if u have a


    DECLARE del_cur CURSOR FOR -- declare the cursor

    SELECT fname FROM #Backupfiles

    where convert(varchar(10),removed_dt,101) < convert(varchar(10),GETDATE()-1,101)

    OPEN del_cur --open the cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM del_cur INTO @backup_file -- fetch the filename and store it in a varaible



    PRINT @backup_file

    SET @cmd = 'exec xp_cmdshell ''DEL D:\BackupDumps\'+@backup_file+''''

    PRINT @cmd

    EXEC (@cmd) --DEL cmd executed

    FETCH NEXT FROM del_cur INTO @backup_file


    CLOSE del_cur

    DEALLOCATE del_cur


    DROP TABLE #Backupfiles


    Thank You.

  • appreciate your efforts..u should better try the dos is fast and simple...


  • I don't know if this will help, but I use this scheduled vbs file to copy my sql backups to a remote backup server and delete old backups.

    dim objFSO,objfolder, fold, f, files, file

    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    '----------------clean up backup server

    set objfolder = objFSO.GetFolder("\\dellnxcluster2\L$\SQLBackupsoc-wan-01-sql")

    for each fold in objfolder.SubFolders

    for each f in fold.files

    if f.DateLastModified < date()-5 thenf.delete



    '-----------------clean up local sql server

    set objfolder = objFSO.GetFolder("d:\SQL\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup")

    for each fold in objfolder.SubFolders

    for each f in fold.files

    if f.DateLastModified < date()-5 thenf.delete



    '-----------------copy backup sql files to backup server

    set objfolder = objFSO.GetFolder("d:\SQL\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup")

    for each fold in objfolder.SubFolders

    for each f in fold.files

    if objfso.FileExists("\\dellnxcluster2\L$\SQLBackupsoc-wan-01-sql\" & & "\" & = False then

    f.copy "\\dellnxcluster2\L$\SQLBackupsoc-wan-01-sql\" & & "\" &

    end if



    set file = nothing

    set files = nothing

    set f = nothing

    set fold = nothing

    set objfolder = nothing

    set objFSO=nothing

  • As long as we are providing our file delete scripts here's mine. Note: this does not clean up the backup histories in the database which should also be in a clean up job. It also assumes that .bak and .trn extensions are used.

    USE [master]


    DECLARE @tDatabases TABLE


    databaseId int

    --, DATABASE_NAME varchar(25)


    INSERT INTO @tDatabases







    sys.master_files s_mf

    where s_mf.state = 0 -- ONLINE

    AND has_dbaccess(db_name(s_mf.database_id)) = 1 -- Only look at databases to which we have access

    AND s_mf.database_id <> 2 --eliminate temp db

    DECLARE @dbId int;

    Declare @DateToDelete datetime;

    declare @DateString char(8);

    DECLARE @filePath varchar(max);

    SET @DateToDelete=DateAdd(day,-1,GetDate());

    set @DateString = Convert(nvarchar(30),@DateToDelete,1)+' '+ Convert(nvarchar(30),@DateToDelete,8);

    --Set up SQL string

    SET @filePath = '\\[Insert Backup Path Here]\'

    DECLARE cursor_usage CURSOR FOR



    FROM @tDatabases;

    OPEN cursor_usage;

    FETCH NEXT FROM cursor_usage INTO @dbId;



    PRINT db_name(@dbId);

    DECLARE @execString nvarchar(max)

    SET @execString = 'master.dbo.xp_delete_file 0, N''' + @filePath + db_name(@dbId) + '''' +',N''bak'' ,' + '''' + @DateString + ''''

    PRINT @execString;

    EXECUTE (@execString);

    SET @execString = 'master.dbo.xp_delete_file 0, N''' + @filePath + db_name(@dbId) + '''' +',N''trn'' ,' + '''' + @DateString + ''''

    PRINT @execString;

    EXECUTE (@execString);

    FETCH NEXT FROM cursor_usage INTO @dbId;


    CLOSE cursor_usage;

    DEALLOCATE cursor_usage;

  • can't you simply add a maintenance cleanup task to your maintenance plan that executes the backup?

    all you need to do is specify the folder, file extension, and the age of the files you want to cleanup

  • I think it is safe to say based on all of the scripts here we have all found maintenance pplans flaky and have developed methods to get around them.


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