Linked Server Table Listing

  • How can I get a table listing for a linked server?

    I can query fine from it and do not have access to any sys.tables equivalent on the other side...

    If I go to Server Objects, Linked Servers, Select My Linked Server, Maximize Catalogs, Then Maximize Default, Then Tables I can see them there ... but i want to access it through T-SQL so I can dynamically do a loop...

    Your help is appricated!

  • if you don't have access to sys.tables, then it's not a SQL Server (at least not a 2005 or 2008 server). What's the other side?

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  • Sorry not sure if i made it clear on top... but I can do queries fine...

    But I dont have the ability to get tables names from the other side.. I want to though... through sql

  • no matter what the linked server type is, you can use this command:

    EXEC dbo.sp_Tables_Ex myLinkedServer

    that will list all the tables available in the linked server...whether sql,access,oracle,or whatever...i think it might auto generate the "right" command based on the server type.

    the only time it gets a little wierd is when your linked server has access to more than one does not iterate thru all possible values, just the default database you land in ie a linked server to another SQL server, as remote land in master, but could access other databases by way of linkedserver.dbname.dbo.sysobjects instead.


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  • YES!!!!!

    Thank you sir. You have made my life easier... Appreciate it.

  • Thanks! sp_Tables_Ex is just what I was looking for.

  • This may also help :

    SELECT * FROM [LinkedServer].[Database].sys.tables

    Is_Linked might have to be 1 in sys.servers on the server you are quering from.

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