The buffer manager cannot create a temporary storage file on any...

  • I continue to get the buffer manager error: can't create temp storage invalid path or no security blah, blah, blah.

    Microsoft states that the location is:

    C:\Documents and Settings\JobRunAcct\Local Settings\Temp

    I run under a proxy and there is no profile on the server for the proxy account.

    The agent account however has this directory and my proxy accounts have modify rights on this location.

    I am pretty certain (99%) that this is the default location because I have seen files created and deleted from here during ETL runs.

    Is there any other location used for buffer storage?

    Also, and this may actually be the problem, when specifying a custom location does the path need to be followed by a backslash?

  • Check this discussion[/url].

    SSIS Tasks Components Scripts Services |

  • Thanks CozyRoc, that was a good discussion.

    The most interesting was the part about the package owner ID being used to define the temp directory path. I will need to investigate this more. Microsoft needs some global settings for this, would make life easier.

    Have a good one.

  • Hey Tom,

    Did you ever get this resolved? I am running into kinda the same thing:

    The buffer manager cannot extend the file

  • That sounds like a space issue. If it was able to create the file then it should be able to grow it.

    Wish I had a better idea, never came across this particular error. verify space on the C: drive is my only thought at this point. It may be possible if the server memory is low that it will create a rather large buffer especially if your doing sorts on large amounts of data.

    I did resolve my problem. It was a security issue with a custom buffer directory. I had used a config for the directory but found a data flow I had hard coded. My fix was to remove all the buffer paths I had specified and gave the proxy account access to the temp directory (listed above) for the sql agent account profile. It does not make any sense to use a path tied to a profile. All my ETL's run under AD proxy accounts and none of them have profiles on the server.

  • Hey Tom,

    Thanks for the reply, we had to move the server to another drive with more space and that resolved the issue.


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