February 4, 2010 at 8:42 am
Hi i have a table that has teh following info;
tbltest field1 varchar(10) testvalue1
tbltest field2 varchar(10) testvalue2
I need a stored procedure to create a table (temp or query) and then populate it with the values = ive tried pivot to no avail - any ideas?
gthanks in advance
February 4, 2010 at 9:29 am
Try this. Also, see the first link in my signature.
-- first, make a table and populate it with some sample data.
-- when you do this, all of the volunteers on this site can then just
-- cut-and-paste it into SSMS to start working.
DECLARE @Table TABLE (TABLENAME varchar(50),
FIELDNAME varchar(50),
DATATYPE varchar(50),
Value varchar(50))
select 'tbltest', 'field1', 'varchar(10)', 'testvalue1' UNION ALL
select 'tbltest', 'field2', 'varchar(10)', 'testvalue2'
--define and populate some variables
declare @TableName varchar(50), @SqlCMD varchar(1000)
set @TableName = 'tbltest'
-- make the create table statement
select @SqlCMD = 'CREATE TABLE #' + @TableName + ' (' + STUFF((select ', ' + FieldName + ' ' + DataType from @Table where TABLENAME = @TableName FOR XML PATH('')),1,2,'') + ' )'
-- make the insert statement
select @SqlCMD = @SqlCMD + ';INSERT INTO #' + @TableName + ' SELECT ' + STUFF((select ',' + QuoteName(Value, char(39)) from @Table where TABLENAME = @TableName FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'')
-- show the results
select @SqlCMD = @SqlCMD + ';select * from #' + @TableName
-- run everything
execute (@SqlCmd)
Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes
February 5, 2010 at 2:33 am
This works well if there is only 1 value per field - but the table has multiple values per field
An example of tghe data I have is below.
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