Decrypting a PGP file with Execute process task

  • I have a scenario to decrypt a PGP file and I am doing with Execute process task, my pgp.exe, my decrypting files are in the same folder. please find Execute process task setup below.

    Executables: C:\SSIS\gpg.exe

    Arguments:--passphrase-fd 0 --decrypt-files c:\SSIS\test02.txt.pgp

    working directory: C:\SSIS

    my passphrase file is coming from Input variable

    I can decrypt the file using command prompt, but in SSIS its not working and I getting following error.

    [Execute Process Task] Error: In Executing "C:\SSIS\gpg.exe" "--passphrase-fd 0 --decrypt-files C:\SSIS\test02.txt.pgp" at "C:\ssis", The process exit code was "2" while the expected was "0".

    can you please help me out in resolving the problem , as I need to deliver it to day.

    Thanks in advance!!!!!


  • If you can use third-party solutions, check the commercial CozyRoc OpenPGP Task. It is completely integrated in SSIS and easier to use.

    SSIS Tasks Components Scripts Services |

  • Hi

    I encrypted a text file using OPENpgp Task provided by CozyRoc.

    When the other end of the line is trying to decrypt it, they receive a error saying that,




    for a test, I created a sample test file. and encrypted the file with the condition OldFormat setting to True and False in SQL 2005 and 2008. they were able to decrypt all the 4 files.

    But when we are trying to send a file that was created after the execution of the package, they are not able to decrypt the file.

    Any suggestions are appreciated

  • msumangupta (2/19/2010)


    I encrypted a text file using OPENpgp Task provided by CozyRoc.

    When the other end of the line is trying to decrypt it, they receive a error saying that,




    for a test, I created a sample test file. and encrypted the file with the condition OldFormat setting to True and False in SQL 2005 and 2008. they were able to decrypt all the 4 files.

    But when we are trying to send a file that was created after the execution of the package, they are not able to decrypt the file.

    Any suggestions are appreciated

    How do you send the files? Do you use SSH Connection Manager?

    SSIS Tasks Components Scripts Services |

  • We put the files in a FTP Server.

    They just grab the files from there.

  • msumangupta (2/19/2010)

    We put the files in a FTP Server.

    They just grab the files from there.

    I understand this. But what connection manager do you use to transfer the files?

    SSIS Tasks Components Scripts Services |

  • We use FTP Conncetion Manager.

    We are not using the SFTP Task.

  • msumangupta (2/19/2010)

    We use FTP Conncetion Manager.

    We are not using the SFTP Task.

    Have you tried to decrypt the file locally before sending to the remote location? Did it work? Also what version of SSIS+ do you use?

    SSIS Tasks Components Scripts Services |

  • We donot have the Key to decrypt the file.

    We use SQL Server 2008 and Cozyroc+1.3

  • WE use CozyRoc SSIS+1.3 for SQL 2005

    and CozyRoc SSIS+1.4 for SQL 2008

  • msumangupta (2/19/2010)

    WE use CozyRoc SSIS+1.3 for SQL 2005

    and CozyRoc SSIS+1.4 for SQL 2008

    Can you try to deliver the file as a test using other method like email? My point is to find out if the issue is due to the encryption or the issue is caused during transportation of the file.

    Also can you ask your party what is the exact error they are getting and what is the decryption software and version in use.

    SSIS Tasks Components Scripts Services |

  • Hi Praneet,

    Even i am working on similar kind of task. So, if your question is resolved? can you please help me in the steps for PGP decryption using SSIS.



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