isnumeric issue

  • When I am using the isnumeric function and passing the character value('2d3') its retrrning it as number. Below is the code.

    DECLARE @profile varchar(200)

    IF ISNUMERIC('2d3')=1

    SET @profile = 'NUMBER'


    SET @profile = 'CHAR'

    SELECT @profile

    Can any of you please tell me why its behaving like this. It should return as CHAR, but returning as NUMBER.

    Thanks in Advance



  • becasue '2d3' = 2000 as a valid float value so ISNUMERIC will return 1

    SELECT CAST('2d3' AS float)

  • but when I tried to use the below query

    IF ISNUMERIC('$123432345')=1

    SET @profile = 'NUMBER'


    SET @profile = 'CHAR'

    SELECT @profile

    it is also returning number even though its having $ character.

    Please help

  • This is because you are passing in a valid money data type so this will return true

    from BOL

    ISNUMERIC returns 1 when the input expression evaluates to a valid integer, floating point number, money or decimal type; otherwise it returns 0. A return value of 1 indicates that expression can be converted to at least one of the numeric types.

    I consider ISNUMERIC to be a slightly misleading and possbile dangerous function to use when not fully understood. It is different than a function that will tell you wheter a value contains only numbers and nothing else.

    A better what to go about this could be to use PATINDEX, this will only return true where the column contains only Numbers

    DECLARE @profile CHAR(10)

    IF PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', '£123432345') = 0

    SET @profile = 'NUMBER'


    SET @profile = 'CHAR'

    SELECT @profile

    Note: this is not a pefect example as it will dissallow numbers with a decimal place (.) however you can modify the PATINDEX to meet your business requirements

  • Thanks Steve for the solution provided. It has worked as expected.

    Thanks again

  • Steve i made an ITVF based on your example, but i added a bit more to it;

    i was thinking if i allow periods in the data, i need to check for more than one 123.45 would be valud, but would not;

    would you agree with that logic?

    here's what i put together:

    CREATE FUNCTION IsNumeric2(@str varchar(20))

    RETURNS int




    declare @results int

    SELECT @results = CASE

    WHEN (PATINDEX('%[^0-9,.]%', @STR) = 0) AND (LEN(@str) - LEN(REPLACE(@str,'.','')) <= 1)

    THEN 1

    ELSE 0


    return @results



    CREATE FUNCTION IsNumeric3(@str varchar(20))





    WHEN (PATINDEX('%[^0-9,.]%', @STR) = 0) AND (LEN(@str) - LEN(REPLACE(@str,'.','')) <= 1)

    THEN 1

    ELSE 0

    END As boolNumeric



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  • That looks good and definately improves on the logic, nice work..

    I guess in the end it depends on the business rules that the OP are running under would determine what is a 'number' or not.

  • Lowell (6/16/2010)

    Steve i made an ITVF based on your example, but i added a bit more to it;

    i was thinking if i allow periods in the data, i need to check for more than one 123.45 would be valud, but would not;

    would you agree with that logic?

    Wouldn't just using ISNUMERIC as well as the PATINDEX work in that case? ISNUMERIC will return false for any number with more than one decimal point, because it can't convert that to a valid number!

  • Make sure to read this


    Failing to plan is Planning to fail

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