May 20, 2010 at 8:53 am
hello experts,
The code (below) does not give an error, but it also does not retrieve any records/generate a report.
I suspect that conversion of @PriorMonthStart (within the SELECT stmt) may be the problem but I'm not sure.
Print @PriorMonthStart shows Mar 31 2010 11:59PM
Print @PriorMonthEnd shows Apr 30 2010 11:59PM
Again, records DO exist within this date range, but none are selected.
Can anyone find my mistake?
Thank you. John
DECLARE @curDate datetime
DECLARE @PriorMonthStart datetime
DECLARE @PriorMonthEnd datetime
DECLARE @sqlcmd varchar(1000);
DECLARE @cmd varchar(1000);
SELECT @curDate = GETDate()
-- derive last day of the prior month
SET @PriorMonthEnd = dateadd(ms,-3,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm,0,getdate() ), 0))
Print @PriorMonthEnd
-- derive first day of prior month
SET @PriorMonthStart = dateadd(ms,-3,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,getdate() )-1, 0))
Print @PriorMonthStart
SET @sqlcmd = 'sqlcmd -Q '
SET @cmd = '"SELECT ServerName as Server, LoginName as FailedLogin, ClientName as ComputerName, LoginDate FROM DBA.dbo.AuditDatabaseLogins WHERE AuditType = ''Login Failed''
AND LoginDate between ''' + convert(varchar(10), @PriorMonthStart, 112) + ''' and ''' + convert(varchar(10), @PriorMonthEnd, 112) + '''
ORDER BY LoginDate" -o C:\AuditReports\FailedLogins.txt'
SET @sqlcmd = @sqlcmd + @cmd;
EXEC xp_cmdshell @sqlcmd,no_output;
May 20, 2010 at 9:54 am
Print your @sqlcmd and you will come to know
May 20, 2010 at 10:42 am
Thank you, patel_mayur.
Print @sqlcmd; shows ....
sqlcmd -Q "SELECT ServerName as Server, LoginName as FailedLogin, ClientName as ComputerName, LoginDate FROM DBA.dbo.AuditDatabaseLogins WHERE AuditType = 'Login Failed'
AND LoginDate between '20100331' and '20100430'
ORDER BY LoginDate" -o C:\AuditReports\Testsqclcmd10.txt
And when I run this Select stmt (without the output to report) it returns the requested records.
I'm sorry, I do not see what the problem is.
Thanks, John
May 20, 2010 at 3:09 pm
... to review the situation:
If I remove the WHERE clause from the Select stmt, it generates a report - even when I run it in SQLCMD.
Does SQLCMD not like something about my WHERE clause .....?
WHERE AuditType = ''Login Failed''
What oh what have I done wrong?
thanks, John
May 20, 2010 at 3:20 pm
Your query itself seems to be valid in terms of syntax.
You should narrow the problem down in SSMS and build the dynamic string later.
My guess would be there are either no rows with AuditType = 'Login Failed' or at least there is a different spelling/addtl. information in that filed.
I would run the following two queries:
SELECT ServerName as Server, LoginName as FailedLogin, ClientName as ComputerName, LoginDate
FROM DBA.dbo.AuditDatabaseLogins
WHERE LoginDate between '20100331' and '20100430' ORDER BY LoginDate
SELECT ServerName as Server, LoginName as FailedLogin, ClientName as ComputerName, LoginDate
FROM DBA.dbo.AuditDatabaseLogins
WHERE AuditType = 'Login Failed' ORDER BY LoginDate
and check if both will return results that should match the complete query (e.g. the first one should include 'Login Failed' rows and the second one should have rows in the requested range.
Btw: what's the data type of your LoginDate column? Pot shot: if it's character and stored as '2010-03-31' then you won't find any matching rows... Just guessing though.
May 20, 2010 at 3:59 pm
Thanks for the reply Hall of Famer!
The data type of column LoginDate is smalldatetime
Yes, there are qualifying rows in the table. I have confirmed that (more than once 🙂
You could probably write a book about what I dont know about using SQLCMD 🙂
Let's call it a day. I'll post back tomorrow.
Thanks for your interest.
John - Memphis TN USA
May 21, 2010 at 2:07 pm
I was able to get it to work. Thanks to everyone who replied with ideas.
this is the final code to generate the report:
DECLARE @curDate datetime
DECLARE @PriorMonthStart datetime
DECLARE @PriorMonthEnd datetime
DECLARE @sqlcmd varchar(1000);
DECLARE @cmd varchar(1000);
SELECT @curDate = GETDate()
-- derive last day of the prior month
SET @PriorMonthEnd = dateadd(ms,+1,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm,0,getdate() ), 0))
Print @PriorMonthEnd
-- derive first day of prior month
SET @PriorMonthStart = dateadd(ms,+1,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,getdate() ) -1, 0))
Print @PriorMonthStart
SET @sqlcmd = 'sqlcmd -Q '
SET @cmd = '"Select ServerName as Server, LoginName as FailedLogin, ClientName as ComputerName, LoginDate from DBA.dbo.AuditDatabaseLogins WHERE AuditType = ''Login Failed'' AND LoginDate between ''' + convert(varchar(10), @PriorMonthStart, 112) + ''' and ''' + convert(varchar(10), @PriorMonthEnd, 112) + ''' " -o C:\AuditReports\TestSqlCmd31.txt'
SET @sqlcmd = @sqlcmd + @cmd;
Print @sqlcmd;
EXEC xp_cmdshell @sqlcmd,no_output;
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