SQLServerCentral Editorial

Tell Me a Joke


It's April 3rd today, and I'm a little sad. We missed April 1 here at SQLServerCentral. The date was on a Saturday, and we don't send a newsletter on that day, so there wasn't any opporunity for a prank. Running one today just doesn't seem right, so we're foregoing our fun in 2017.

Over the years, we've had some good ones. My favorite was SQL Server on Linux, one of the most popular articles for years, unitl it finally came true. There was my decoding of the DTUs and MySQL supporting T-SQL from last year. Where was also the time we took over PASSIn previous years, I've shown you how to throttle a query in mid-execution and  how to get your Service Broken messages in order, and let you enter C# into stored procedures. Do you remember the Easter Egg in SSMS?

We've learned about SQL Server having an open source alternative and the way an index really works. That last one made me proud since I suckered in a few SQL Server experts.

It's not just me, Gail Shaw, Paul Randal, Grant Fritchey, and more have participated in April Fools, with some funny ideas, just real enough to be true. I'm always looking for more people to come up with creative April 1 prank, so if you have a good idea, think 2018...

With Apr 1 being on a holiday, and since I was by myself in the UK (I did run a 5K and work on presentations over the weekend), I thought I'd ask if you had any good links or jokes that appeared on your screen. Anything sucker you in? Anything disappoint you because you wished it were real? Let me know today.


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