Microsoft Recommends

  • We've been experiencing some connection issues on our mirror.

    Microsoft has recommended increasing the timeout of the mirror monitor from 10 seconds to 30 seconds.

    To my mind this simply means we will not see alerts if they occur and resolve themselves inside 30 seconds.

    Does anyone else feel that reducing the amount of information is a good thing? Or is there some other process that I am unaware of in the alerting system?

    DBA (Dogsbody with Bad Attitude)

  • Increasing the timeout value from 10 to 30 will ensure that the mirror monitor will ry for 30 seconds before throwing the time out error.

    Pradeep Adiga
    Twitter: @pradeepadiga

  • Adiga (8/4/2010)

    Increasing the timeout value from 10 to 30 will ensure that the mirror monitor will ry for 30 seconds before throwing the time out error.

    Yes, I understand that part, but if the connection drops for 15 seconds and recovers I wouldn't know about it.

    The question I suppose, is, do I want to know every time the connection drops? Even if it recovers quite quickly?

    The recommendation was given as part of a solution to resolve transmission issues (4.5Mbit/s transactions in, mirror is only sending at 1.5mbit/s) but I can't see that extending the timeout would have any effect on that.

    Smells like BS to me.

    DBA (Dogsbody with Bad Attitude)

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