TSQL using a wildcard in a where clause with dynamic sql

  • It appears that using the LIKE in a condition with wildcards and a variable inside of dynamic sql doesn't work, although it doesn't give an error. Here's an example.

    The column called code has values like A0B01C02,A0B02C2D05,A0B02C2D05, etc and I am trying to match on rows containing a subset like 'B1'. When I do this it works and returns results as expected.

    set @sql='select * from table where code like ''%B01%'''

    exec sp_executesql @sql

    If I hardcode the value of the variable

    set @code='B01'

    and modify the sql statement to concatenate the quotes and wildcards:

    set @sql='select * from table where code like ' +''''+ '%'+@code + '%' + ''''

    exec sp_executesql @sql

    This returns the results as expected, but I had to hard code the variable. However, when I need to make the match using a variable for B01 and that the variable is set with a select statement, I don't get any results returned. I define an nvarchar like this:

    set @code=(select top 1 code from anotherTable where USERID=@PersonId)

    I confirmed that the select statement above returns the expected code, however. There is no error, but the query is "executed successfully". Am I missing something in the syntax for the where clause?

  • You may want to spend a little time reading about sp_executesql in BOL (Books Online). Based on the example there this is the code I came up with, but with nothing to test against, I have no way of knowing if it works.

  • Hi takutoyamada

    If the search criterion does not contain any further wild cards (like "%foo%bar%") CHARINDEX function usually works faster than LIKE.



  • Make the following changes to the code I provided:

    set @incode = '%' + 'B01' + '%'

    --set @incode = '%' + (select top 1 code from anotherTable where USERID=@PersonId) + '%'

  • Thanks Lynn - I'm trying to implement this with the use of multiple parameters by expanding upon your example. How would you define more than one? BOL also only has examples with one parameter.

  • Nevermind, Lynn- I figured it out that multiple parameters can work!

    Thanks for all your great help.


  • Actually, having just looked at BOL, there are several examples using multiple variables. Looks like they aren't necessarily using variables like I had setup, but they are there. Also, take a look at the syntax of the sp_executesql procedure. It shows how you would do it with multiple variables.

  • takutoyamada (10/28/2009)

    Nevermind, Lynn- I figured it out that multiple parameters can work!

    Thanks for all your great help.


    Glad I could help. Looks like you found another reference that assisted as well.

  • Flo- that made a huge difference in performance!


  • Hi Tak

    Glad we could help. Thanks for the feedback!


  • Hello all,

    I found this post searching for a solution to correctly escape quotes surrounding wildcards on either side of a parameter. Here is my code:

    IF @companyName IS NOT NULL

    SELECT @sql=@sql+' AND c.CompanyName LIKE "%" + @xcompanyName + "%"'

    IF @requestorName IS NOT NULL

    SELECT @sql=@sql+' AND o.LastName LIKE "%" + @xrequestorName + "%"

    OR o.FirstName LIKE "%" + @xrequestorName + "%"

    OR o.FirstName + " " + o.LastName "%" + @xrequestorName + "%"'

    The procedure compiles fine but when I execute it I get error near "%", so that tells me I haven't escaped my quotes correctly. I'm new at this so that is why I am posting this.


  • Hi

    As Lynn already suggested. You should use sp_executesql instead of concatenating values into dynamic SQL strings. Concatenating SQL with values is always a solution for SQL injection and can cause dramatic problems.

    For further information follow this link: sp_executesql



  • I am using sp_executesql. This code snippet is based on Erland Sommarskog's article on Dynamic Search and is found inside my @sql parameter.

    Anyway, I figured out to use two single quotes around my wildcard characters like this:

    ''%'' + @paramter + ''%''


  • Hi

    Give this a try:

    -- some vars


    @companyName NVARCHAR(100)

    ,@requestorName NVARCHAR(100)

    ,@sql NVARCHAR(1000);

    -- some parameter


    @companyName = NULL

    ,@requestorName = 'AnyRequestor';

    -- any base sql statement


    @sql = 'Build Your Base Statement WHERE AnyThing = SomeThing';

    -- add the parameters


    @sql = @sql

    -- companyName

    + CASE WHEN @companyName IS NOT NULL

    THEN ' AND c.CompanyName LIKE @companyName'

    ELSE '' END

    -- requestorName

    + CASE WHEN @requestorName IS NOT NULL

    THEN ' AND (

    o.LastName LIKE @requestorName

    OR o.FirstName LIKE @requestorName

    OR o.FirstName + '' '' + o.LastName = @requestorName


    ELSE '' END;

    --PRINT @sql

    EXECUTE sp_executesql


    ,N'@companyName NVARCHAR(100), @requestorName NVARCHAR(100)'

    ,@companyName = @companyName

    ,@requestorName = @requestorName;



  • Thanks for all the input. I'm having partial success with my procedure now, but I think I should post the entire code since there were questions about string concatenation and the last example posted only included two of the parameters I am dealing with. Here is the entire procedure:

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[artworksearch]

    -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here

    @beginDate datetime = NULL,

    @endDate datetime = NULL,

    @companyName nvarchar(100) = NULL,

    @requestorName nvarchar(50) = NULL,

    @debug bit = 0


    DECLARE @sql nvarchar(4000),

    @paramlist nvarchar(4000)

    SELECT @sql='SELECT r.RequestID, r.RequestorID, o.FirstName, o.LastName, o.Telephone, o.Email, c.CompanyName, r.RequestDate, r.FilesRequested, r.FranklinSite, r.CustomerType, r.Approved, r.FilesSent, r.SentDate, r.Comments

    FROM dbo.tblRequest AS r

    JOIN dbo.tblRequestor AS o ON r.RequestorID = o.RequestorID

    JOIN dbo.tblCompany AS c ON o.CompanyID = c.CompanyID

    WHERE 1 = 1'

    IF @beginDate IS NOT NULL AND @endDate IS NOT NULL

    SELECT @sql=@sql+' AND r.RequestDate BETWEEN @xbeginDate AND @xendDate'

    IF @beginDate IS NOT NULL AND @endDate IS NULL

    SELECT @sql=@sql+' AND r.RequestDate BETWEEN @xbeginDate AND GETDATE()'

    IF @companyName IS NOT NULL

    SELECT @sql=@sql+' AND c.CompanyName LIKE ''%'' + @xcompanyName + ''%'''

    IF @requestorName IS NOT NULL

    SELECT @sql=@sql+' AND o.LastName LIKE ''%'' + @xrequestorName + ''%''

    OR o.FirstName LIKE ''%'' + @xrequestorName + ''%''

    OR o.FirstName + '' '' + o.LastName LIKE ''%'' + @xrequestorName + ''%'''

    IF @beginDate IS NOT NULL AND @endDate IS NOT NULL AND @companyName IS NOT NULL

    SELECT @sql=@sql+' AND r.RequestDate BETWEEN @xbeginDate AND @xendDate AND c.CompanyName LIKE ''%'' + @xcompanyName + ''%'''

    IF @beginDate IS NOT NULL AND @endDate IS NULL AND @companyName IS NOT NULL

    SELECT @sql=@sql+' AND r.RequestDate BETWEEN @xbeginDate AND GETDATE() AND c.CompanyName LIKE ''%'' + @xcompanyName + ''%'''

    IF @beginDate IS NOT NULL AND @endDate IS NOT NULL AND @requestorName IS NOT NULL

    SELECT @sql=@sql+' AND o.LastName LIKE ''%'' + @xrequestorName + ''%''

    OR o.FirstName LIKE ''%'' + @xrequestorName + ''%''

    OR o.FirstName + '' '' + o.LastName LIKE ''%'' + @xrequestorName + ''%'' AND r.RequestDate BETWEEN @xbeginDate AND @xendDate '

    IF @debug = 1

    PRINT @sql

    SELECT @paramlist='@xbeginDate datetime,

    @xendDate datetime,

    @xcompanyName nvarchar(100),

    @xrequestorName nvarchar(50)'

    EXEC sp_executesql @sql,@paramlist,


    Thanks for the feedback.

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