Active Node Crashed in SQL 2005 clustering

  • Hi All,

    We have the 2 Active/passive node configuration. All the instance are in Active node, due to some OS issue (Windows 2003 R2) crashed. All the instance failed over to passive node and running fine.

    Now we are unable to bring back the Active node Windows 2003 started. Now my windows team says they need to rebuilt the OS.

    Here I need to know, if the OS is newly build in the that box. How would I proceed further to add the crashed node back to the cluster.

    I could think of, Once the OS is built then I would configure the Private and Public IP and install the Iscsi to bind the shared drive to the new machine. Then I could add this newly built box to the cluster. My question here is if the node is added the cluster service will be newly created, but how about the SQL Server services created in the newly added node.

    Could you please provide me some insight knowledge in this.


  • I guess you need to start from a scratch... Because

    1. OS rebuild will not find any entry for the other server in cluster i.e. OS level clustering will not be available after the OS re-build.

    2. SQL Server cluster might not able to identify the server after OS re-build.

    I suggest to check with other members too.


    "Thare are only 10 types of people in the world:
    Those who understand binary, and those who don't."

  • 1. Evict the crashed node by logging on to the working cluster node and running "cluster administrator".

    2. Rebuild the server and configure clustering on the newly rebuilt node

    3. Add the node back in to the sql server cluster. (see link)

  • Thanks for the information Steve and all. I have the down time to perform this task over this weekend.

    I'll work on it and let you know. Btw is there any additional steps which I need to take care of it.


  • Exactly what I would do...

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