The Afternoon Whistle

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item The Afternoon Whistle

  • Fridays always seem slightly more relaxed at my place, although something generally lands on me at about 3pm! Doh!

  • A great idea, not only for practical purposes but for staff moral.

    Unfortunately my boss books meetings for Friday afternoons because 'no one is busy on Fridays'. No one is interested in going to meetings on Friday afternoons or pays any attention as far as I'm concerned, but hey.

  • Couldn't agree more with Andy's post.

    Anyway one should plan and take the time to organize himself. It's part of professional behavior.

    Update tasklist and review the priorities, plan the activities for next week (if this hasn't be done way in advance), confirm already scheduled meetings, block your calendar for really important task, clean your desk. From time to time have a Friday afternoon beer with your workmates and tab them on the shoulder.

    And last but not least: Try to have fun at work!

    Cheers Renรฉ

  • Great comments and i know exactly what you mean.

    Coming from a construction background getting into IT late in life it was always a case of getting everything packed away and tidied up for the next week, finishing slighly earlier and having a couple of socials with your work mates.

    Might start employing the same tactics into my new corporate worklife! ๐Ÿ˜€

  • I might be wrong, but I think that this is one of the practices advocated in GTD (Getting to Done).

    It has been something I've tried to get into the habit of in the past, I've just not had a lot of success at yet. Maybe this post can serve to prompt me to try again!

    "The Plural of Anecdote is not Data"

  • Friday afternoon? That's the time all your clients and co-wokers dump their tasks on you and say: "This has to be done by Monday, by the way I'm leaving early to play golf and eat lobster..."


  • Yup - sounds familiar chrisn-585491

    In fact, I bet there are two distinct groups - those who "sort" (deligate) and those who graft (get dumped on)!

    NOTE: Please take this in jest - I know that we all do a mix of both!

  • Andy-

    This is great advice. One of my goals for 2010 is to become better organized. I think that I may incorporate some sort of Friday afternoon wrapup.


  • Amen!

  • Working in R&D we had a Clean Desk Politic, so cleaning off the desk and organized was a daily act. So 15-20 min. before became clean up. Itโ€™s down to 7-10 min, even though Iโ€™m not under a Clean Desk Politic, I think Clean Desk Politic still a good Idea, mostly for security reasons. How corporate secrets sit out on your desk. And yes corporate espionage is real.

  • Fridays should be known as "No Install Fridays". How many Sat/Sun/Mons have been ruined by installing a new version of something on a Friday?

    Unless I have fires to fight, I like to use Friday PMs for education. Reading magazines, destroying databases, and figuring out how to better wire my desk for sound so my headphone wires don't get caught in my chair anymore. Takes a lot of distraction out of the rest of the week.

    And seeing as it's not yet Friday PM....


    p.s. I don't like wireless headphones. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Similar to richj-826679, I have a standing moratorium on running any major UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE statements after 4pm, on any day.


  • Thank you all for reading, and especially for commenting, nice way to start the day seeing what people think about what you have written.

    I'll have to revisit GTD, don't remember it being there, but wouldn't surprise me to find it!

  • Fascinating... neither the editorial nor any of the previous posts mentions beer. Do I understand correctly that the subject is the Friday late-afternoon routine?


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