What script is used in report DISK USAGE?

  • I like to know what script is used to determine the space usage values for the data and log-files as shown when opening the Reports>Disk Usage. I like to use that info in a script.


    Hans Brouwer

  • Hi Hans

    If you run profiler you can see exactly what the report runs.

    It gets the values from DBCC SHOWFILESTATS and sys.data_spaces, DBCC SQLPERF ( LOGSPACE ), sysfiles, sys.partitions, sys.allocation_units and sys.internal_tables.

    Best you run profiler and get the rest of the code as well.

    I run the following to capture disk space to a table to build audit and trend information:

    --Script to Collect File Usage for every DB

    EXECUTE sp_msforeachdb '

    set nocount on

    use ?

    --Insert into Administration.dbo.filespace


    [Database] = ''?'',

    [Type] =

    case when a.groupid is null then '''' when a.groupid = 0 then ''Log'' else ''Data'' end,




    convert(numeric(10,2),sum(round((a.size-fileproperty( a.name,''SpaceUsed''))/128.,2))) ,


    convert(numeric(10,2),sum(round(fileproperty( a.name,''SpaceUsed'')/128.,2)))

    ,[DBFileName]= isnull(a.name,''*** Total for all files ***''),

    [Date] = Getdate(),

    [DBID] = db_id()


    sysfiles a

    group by



    with rollup


    a.groupid is null or

    a.name is not null

    order by

    case when a.groupid is null then 99 when a.groupid = 0 then 0 else 1 end,


    case when a.name is null then 99 else 0 end,




    Hope this helps.


  • Stefano has the right idea. Attached is the sql I got from Profiler.

  • Tnx for answering all. Found out about SQLPERF already, but tnx anyways.

    Hans Brouwer

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