Users & their Accessing DBs with Permissions

  • hi,

    I need to get the Accssible databases for particular user & his permissions for those DBs.

    I need Urgent...


    Sasidhar P

  • Sasidhar Pulivarthi (3/31/2010)

    I need to get the Accssible databases for particular user & his permissions for those DBs.

    Seems like unmatured post . give more details

    I work only to learn Sql Server...though my company pays me for getting their stuff done;-)

  • DBNAme UserName dbo dbREad dbWrite............

    MDEL sa yes yes yes

    TEST tst Yes yes no

    TEST dev Yes yes yes

    I need the above one.......

    also i would like to know that how to get the following table

    DBobject UserName Read Write Execute

    tbl1 tst1 Y N Y

    sp1 tst1

    view1 tst1


    Sasidhar P

  • Sasidhar Pulivarthi (3/31/2010)

    DBobject UserName Read Write Execute

    tbl1 tst1 Y N Y

    sp1 tst1

    view1 tst1

    try this -- =============================================

    -- Author: Alejandro Pelc

    -- Create date: 02/19/2009

    -- Description: List all DBs permission


    -- =============================================

    set nocount on

    declare @permission table (

    Database_Name sysname,

    User_Role_Name sysname,

    Account_Type nvarchar(60),

    Action_Type nvarchar(128),

    Permission nvarchar(60),

    ObjectName sysname null,

    Object_Type nvarchar(60)


    declare @dbs table (dbname sysname)

    declare @Next sysname

    insert into @dbs

    select name from sys.databases order by name

    select top 1 @Next = dbname from @dbs

    while (@@rowcount<>0)


    insert into @permission

    exec('use [' + @Next + ']

    declare @objects table (obj_id int, obj_type char(2))

    insert into @objects

    select id, xtype from master.sys.sysobjects

    insert into @objects

    select object_id, type from sys.objects

    SELECT ''' + @Next + ''', as ''User or Role Name'', a.type_desc as ''Account Type'',

    d.permission_name as ''Type of Permission'', d.state_desc as ''State of Permission'',

    OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(d.major_id) + ''.'' + object_name(d.major_id) as ''Object Name'',

    case e.obj_type

    when ''AF'' then ''Aggregate function (CLR)''

    when ''C'' then ''CHECK constraint''

    when ''D'' then ''DEFAULT (constraint or stand-alone)''

    when ''F'' then ''FOREIGN KEY constraint''

    when ''PK'' then ''PRIMARY KEY constraint''

    when ''P'' then ''SQL stored procedure''

    when ''PC'' then ''Assembly (CLR) stored procedure''

    when ''FN'' then ''SQL scalar function''

    when ''FS'' then ''Assembly (CLR) scalar function''

    when ''FT'' then ''Assembly (CLR) table-valued function''

    when ''R'' then ''Rule (old-style, stand-alone)''

    when ''RF'' then ''Replication-filter-procedure''

    when ''S'' then ''System base table''

    when ''SN'' then ''Synonym''

    when ''SQ'' then ''Service queue''

    when ''TA'' then ''Assembly (CLR) DML trigger''

    when ''TR'' then ''SQL DML trigger''

    when ''IF'' then ''SQL inline table-valued function''

    when ''TF'' then ''SQL table-valued-function''

    when ''U'' then ''Table (user-defined)''

    when ''UQ'' then ''UNIQUE constraint''

    when ''V'' then ''View''

    when ''X'' then ''Extended stored procedure''

    when ''IT'' then ''Internal table''

    end as ''Object Type''

    FROM [' + @Next + '].sys.database_principals a

    left join [' + @Next + '].sys.database_permissions d on a.principal_id = d.grantee_principal_id

    left join @objects e on d.major_id = e.obj_id

    order by, d.class_desc')

    delete @dbs where dbname = @Next

    select top 1 @Next = dbname from @dbs


    set nocount off

    select * from @permission where database_name = 'yourDB'

    I work only to learn Sql Server...though my company pays me for getting their stuff done;-)

  • Sasidhar Pulivarthi (3/31/2010)

    DBNAme UserName dbo dbREad dbWrite............

    MDEL sa yes yes yes

    TEST tst Yes yes no

    TEST dev Yes yes yes

    try this USE master



    DECLARE @loginName sysname

    SET @loginName = '%'

    -- Retrieve DB Role Level Info

    DECLARE @DBRolePermissions TABLE(

    DatabaseName varchar(300),

    Principal_Name sysname,

    Login_Name sysname NULL,

    DB_RoleMember varchar(300),

    Permission_Type sysname)

    INSERT INTO @DBRolePermissions

    EXEC sp_MSforeachdb '

    SELECT DISTINCT ''?'' AS DatabaseName, users.Name AS UserName, suser_sname(users.sid) AS Login_Name,

    roles.Name AS Role_Member_Name, roles.type_desc

    FROM [?].sys.database_role_members r

    LEFT OUTER JOIN [?].sys.database_principals users on r.member_principal_id = users.principal_id

    LEFT OUTER JOIN [?].sys.database_principals roles on r.role_principal_id = roles.principal_id

    --WHERE users.type not in (''R'')'

    -- Capture permissions generated FROM sys.database_permissions

    INSERT INTO @DBRolePermissions

    EXEC sp_msforeachdb '

    SELECT DISTINCT ''?'' AS DatabaseName, users.Name AS UserName, suser_sname(users.sid) AS Login_Name,

    r.Permission_Name AS DB_RoleMember, r.class_desc

    FROM [?].sys.database_permissions r

    LEFT OUTER JOIN [?].sys.database_principals users on r.Grantee_principal_id = users.principal_id

    WHERE r.class_desc = ''DATABASE'''

    SELECT DISTINCT Principal_Name, Login_Name, DatabaseName, DB_RoleMember AS Permission_Name, Permission_Type

    FROM @DBRolePermissions

    WHERE (ISNULL(Login_Name, '') LIKE @loginName OR ISNULL(Principal_Name, '') LIKE @loginName)

    AND DatabaseName = 'yourDb'

    ORDER BY Principal_Name, DatabaseName, DB_RoleMember

    I work only to learn Sql Server...though my company pays me for getting their stuff done;-)

  • From my previous post fetch data into permanant table DBRolePermissions from @DBRolePermissions

    and then use SELECT Principal_Name,


    CASE WHEN [db_datareader] IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END [db_datareader],

    CASE WHEN [db_datawriter] IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END [db_datawriter],

    CASE WHEN [db_owner] IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END [db_owner],

    CASE WHEN [db_accessadmin] IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END [db_accessadmin]

    FROM ( SELECT id


    , Principal_Name

    FROM DBRolePermissions

    ) p PIVOT ( max(id)

    FOR [Permission_Name] IN ([CONNECT],[db_datareader],[db_datawriter],[db_owner],[db_accessadmin])

    ) AS pvt

    I work only to learn Sql Server...though my company pays me for getting their stuff done;-)

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