How do I query Active Directory (ADSI) using LDAP inside Script Component SSIS?

  • Just when I thought I had gotten away from vbscripts and moved on to better technology someone changed the Maxpagesize setting in AD back to 1000 rows. So now my openquery from ADSI as linked server is useless. I wish to continue to use SSIS to query AD but can't find a good example of how to connect to AD in a script component. Any clues would be helpful.


  • Jay Gamblin (3/16/2010)

    Just when I thought I had gotten away from vbscripts and moved on to better technology someone changed the Maxpagesize setting in AD back to 1000 rows. So now my openquery from ADSI as linked server is useless. I wish to continue to use SSIS to query AD but can't find a good example of how to connect to AD in a script component. Any clues would be helpful.


    Have you tried to get your data using ADO.NET Source component?

    SSIS Tasks Components Scripts Services |

  • CozyRoc (3/18/2010)

    Have you tried to get your data using ADO.NET Source component?

    I have not. Do you have an example of connecting to ADSI with ADO.NET?

  • Jay Gamblin (3/18/2010)

    CozyRoc (3/18/2010)

    Have you tried to get your data using ADO.NET Source component?

    I have not. Do you have an example of connecting to ADSI with ADO.NET?

    I don't have. But it shouldn't be too hard to set it up.

    SSIS Tasks Components Scripts Services |

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