Displays only the first 8000 charecters.... VARCHAR(MAX)

  • Guys,

    In SSMS when I try to execute:


    I see only the first 8000 characters displayed. The settings Tool >> Options >> Query Results >> Sql Server >> Results to Grid is set to 65534 and Results to Text is set to 8192.

    Also when I try to run this from SQLCMD

    sqlcmd -S Server -E -y 0 -Q "SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), REPLICATE('a',9000))" -o out.txt

    I see only 8000 charecters.

    The flag -y 0 is supposed to set it up to 1 MB. But I do not more than 8000 characters.

    What could be the problem?



  • This works......


    REPLICATE must be run under the VARCHAR(MAX) mode to return more characters.

    I knew this, but still did the same mistake. I hope I do not do the same mistake again.


  • Thanks for posting back after you found the solution to your question.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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