Network Performance issue??

  • Greetings,

    I have an odd problem that I am breaking my teeth on it since more than one month:

    Simplified architecture:

    - We have 2 1Go switches. Each server has 2 NIC and one card is connected to each switche. Each card is configured with a static IP and they are not teamed.

    - SQL1 is a Dell with 12Go RAM 4-CPU and 900 GB drives.

    - AD1 is our DC with a 3.5 TB Dell attached device. The attached device has many corporate files (Access, Excel, Doc, etc)

    - APP1 is our application server that is connected by RemoteServer1 and RemoteServer2.

    - Accounting1 is the same machine model than SQL1 but it is hosting an accounting COBOL based system. The drive has many corporate files (Access, Excel, Doc, etc).

    The problem:

    I am using different file transfer speed testing softwares. Those software are writing, reading, etc and give back a tranfert rate from the source and how many bytes/sec has been written/read on the target drive.

    Any computer on the network (server/station) to SQL1 has an average 5Mbits/sec.

    Any computer on the network to APP1, Accounting1, any other server, has over 10Mbits/sec.

    Any computer on the network EXCEPT RemoveServer1 and RemoteServer2 to AD1 has an average 5Mbits/sec. RemoveServer1 and RemoteServer2 has an average of 20MBits/Sec.

    AD1 or SQL1 to any computer on the network (Except RemoveServer1 and RemoteServer2) has an average 5Mbits/sec.

    When I did my tests, I made sure network activity was at its minimum (during night when no user is there and I cancelled the backups).

    Why SQL1 and AD1 are slow like that???? Why AD1 is fast with RemoteServer1 and RemoteServer2?

    Any suggestion please? I am out of ideas....

    Thank you



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    - Democracy is 2 wolves and one sheep talking about their next dinner. Freedom is 2 wolves and one armed sheep with a .357 magnum talking about their next dinner.

  • Have you double checked your NIC settings and Switch port settings ?

    Some NICs and Switches need 'auto' and others need a 'fixed' transfer rate set. Your hardware and Switch vendors should have this documented - if not a bit of googling may be in order.

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

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