XML iTunes Namespaces repeating using FOR XML PATH query

  • I have created a properly formatted itunes RSS XML Feed for podcasting mp3 files, however i wanted to clean up the XML Namespace appearing more than once. I don't think it causes any issues but the file output does not look the same as the example i was given.

    Here is a summary of my T-SQL statement:

    WITH XMLNAMESPACES ('http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd' as itunes)

    SELECT '2.0' AS '@version',

    (SELECT ............


    FROM sqltablename1 for xml path ('item'), TYPE

    ) FOR XML PATH('channel'), TYPE

    ) FOR XML PATH('rss')

    As you can see i have 3 embedded sql statements that use 'FOR XML PATH' to produce the XML tag wrappers.

    1) 'rss' wrapper tag

    2) 'channel' wrapper tag

    3) 'item' wrapper tags. This is a repeating record set of SQL table row for the feed.

    The problem is in my output. Using the line 'WITH XMLNAMESPACES' outputs the itunes namespace on all 3 tag


    How do i only produce the namespace within the 'rss' tag for the entire document to use?

    Refer attachment text file for the XML sample:

    Can someone tell me how to avoid repeating the namespaces in each tag?

  • This is a known, although not harmful issue with nested FOR XML queries.

    You can vote for it to be fixed at Connect:


    Anyway, the XML produced by the query still conforms to the standard, it might be just a little more difficult to read, but the machines won't have any problems with it.


    Matija Lah, SQL Server MVP

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