create Linked Server

  • Hai to All

    i need some help in creating linkedserver.while creating the linkedserver the name should be same as the server name rt?? like \\server1


    i have created like this thru the management studio... the linked server is created successfully but when i am testing the error coming.. time out expires etc etc

    so any configuration needed in the server to create linkedserver??

    what is registering spn ? is it necessary

    pls help

  • ekonagu (7/1/2009)

    Hai to All

    i need some help in creating linkedserver.while creating the linkedserver the name should be same as the server name rt?? like \\server1


    i have created like this thru the management studio... the linked server is created successfully but when i am testing the error coming.. time out expires etc etc

    so any configuration needed in the server to create linkedserver??

    what is registering spn ? is it necessary

    pls help

    \\server1 is when u share a folder, not linked server.

    you create linked server using sp_addlinkedserver

    and u refer to objects in your linked server using four part notation

    select * from server2.db2.dbo.Mytable

    Pradeep Singh

  • to increase the timeout period, you can run

    sp_configure 'remote login timeout', 30


    reconfigure with override


    here 30 secs will be timeout duration.

    Pradeep Singh

  • actually if we are crating a linked server eith script

    EXEC sp_addlinkedserver 'Server1', N'SQL Server'

    how u come toknow to which server in the network is geting connected ?we need to give the servername as linkedserver rt ???

  • ekonagu (7/2/2009)

    actually if we are crating a linked server eith script

    EXEC sp_addlinkedserver 'Server1', N'SQL Server'

    how u come toknow to which server in the network is geting connected ?we need to give the servername as linkedserver rt ???

    In the example u gave, Server1 is the linked server. From the server where u created the linked server, you can write queries as

    select * from server1.db1.dbo.myTable

    Pradeep Singh

  • Exec sp_addlinkedserver

    @server='SERVERNAME/ IP', --//Logical name given to the linked server.

    @srvproduct='', --//optional . Just for description

    @provider='SQLServer', --//OLEDB Provider name, check BOL for more providers

    @datasrc='SERVERNAME', --//actual remote server name

    @catalog='DBNAME', --//default database for this linked server

    @provstr = 'DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=MyServer;UID=User name;WD=pwd'


    - Win.

    " Have a great day "

  • Exec sp_addlinkedsrvlogin

    @useself='false', --//false means we are going to use remote login/password

    --//true means use local login/password to connect to remote machine (If local login/password does not match on remote machine then will fail)

    @rmtsrvname='LinkedServerName', --//Exising Linked server name


    @rmtuser='Login' , --//remote login

    @rmtpassword='pwd' --/


    --//Enable/disable some options

    Exec sp_serveroption 'DBName', 'data access', 'true' --Enables and disables a linked server for distributed query access

    Exec sp_serveroption 'DBName', 'rpc', 'true' --//Enables RPC from the given server.

    Exec sp_serveroption 'DBName', 'rpc out', 'true' --//Enables RPC to the given server (required to call SP using Linked Server).

    Exec sp_serveroption 'DBName', 'collation compatible', 'true'

    - Win.

    " Have a great day "

  • when i did this the linked server is created successfully,but when i test the connection

    error is cmg as

    test connection to linked server failed

    the ole db provider "sql server" has not been registred

    pls help



  • Sounds Good........ But dont write or respond in CAPS as its referred as shouting on others....

    Any how have good times......



    - Win.

    " Have a great day "

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