The attribute key cannot be found: error when table value is null

  • Hi,

    When clicking the process button in cube i getting the following error

    The attribute key cannot be found: Table: dbo_ProjectTask, Column: ProjectTaskID, Value: 713.

    I'm getting these kind of error continuously when the table value is null

    The below atached image shows my dimesion usuage.

    It also shows the result of select * from ProjectTask where ProjectTaskId=713 query

    Kindly help me to solve this issue

    Please feel free to let me know if you are not clear or I’ve misunderstood anything.

    Arunkumar S P

  • I could not see the image.

    Errors of this kind are normally found when you fact table has a value for a dimension that is not stored in the dimension table.

    Fact - Sales

    shop sales

    1 200

    2 300

    3 400

    Dimension - Shops

    Shop ShopName

    1 Arkwrights

    2 Roys Rolls

    In the above case when processing the cube it will throw the same message and say it cannot find shop 3. Also throws a problem if there is a NULL in the dimension column of the fact table.

    Hope this helps.


  • Thanks Ells. Thanks a lot for your response.

    Below url is my image url. You can see from there.

    I think you don't have permission to open skydrive website . I uploded my image there.

    Please feel free to let me know if you are not clear or I’ve misunderstood anything.

    Arunkumar S P

  • Have you put the image in the public folder of your sky drive. This is at the top level of sky drive. The link for one of my docs looks like

    I would expect your link to be opf the same format.

    Are all of your dimension values in the fact table also in the dimension table?


  • I attached image as an attachment of this reply. Kindly find it

    Please feel free to let me know if you are not clear or I’ve misunderstood anything.

    Arunkumar S P

  • its in the joins.

    From the abopve your fact table links to the projecttask table that links to the HR table.

    My guess is there is something wrong with the fact table join to the projecttask table.

    I am also guessing you are about to tell me the fact table is projecttask?

    Could you supply a scrren shot of the diagram in the data source view. I have supplied a cuople attached to the message so you can see what I am looking for.

    1.It would help me and others to see what the tables look like under the cube.

    2.It will help to see what the relationship is between the tables.



  • Thanks for your reply Ells

    I attached the screen shot of DSV. Kindly find it.

    Please feel free to let me know if you are not clear or I’ve misunderstood anything.

    Arunkumar S P

  • If you remove the project task dimension it should work as that join seems to be ok. What are you trying to get out of the prject task dimension?



  • I need to show like the attached image. If i remove, how can i show like that?

    Please feel free to let me know if you are not clear or I’ve misunderstood anything.

    Arunkumar S P

  • Ok,

    thanks I now think I know what you want to do - Jopin Projrecttask to Projecttask to expose the data per row in the project task table.

    You are trying to produce a report like you would get from SSRS - ie one row for one row in the database. Someone is going to shoot me down for saying this but - I dont believe that this is what SSAS was primarily designed for. It is there to show how many project tasks a person has been assigned to, the number of days taken etc. SSAS is there to crunch numbers.

    Having said that I have done what you are trying to do in AS2000 and using Excel 2003 with an addin.

    I think the problem you have is the join from projecttask table to projecttask table! For some reason I suspect that is not correct which is weird as that should be the easiest join.

    In the projecttask dimension add the fields you are interested in as attributes. There are then two approaches. These approaches are designed to be used via SSMS or Excel 2003 or higher.

    Approach 1

    Leave the attributes as visible and the users can drag them onto the Excel and slice and dice by the attribute.


    Make the attributes invisible and create a calculated measure to retrieve the value of the attribute.

    I used aproach 2 to porduce Employee reports from a cube that had employee on the row and then for each row cqalculated measures exposed their name, job title, and other non numeric data.

    If you look at the join from projecttask to projecttask that should sort one problem.



  • Thanks for all your effort Ells. I'll try and come back to you.

    Thanks a ton

    Please feel free to let me know if you are not clear or I’ve misunderstood anything.

    Arunkumar S P

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