Lack of a guiding light

  • I was just reading the post 'How did good DBAs become good DBAs'. I think there are loads of really good resources out there to help people - forums, books, user groups, conferences, internet video tutorials, e-learning, and traditional courses. The one resource that appears to be shrinking now is mentors. I work alone a lot of the time and there is no one to seek advise from on my career or expanding my knowledge. This is something I really miss from working in a team environment.

    Any suggestions on how to find a mentor or mentor yourself?



  • I have the same problem because there's a great lack of mentors out there.

    Fortunately I have the advantage of working at a company that enables me to grow.

    I found that I had a very good mentor can be found on forums like these with skilled professionals. I personally don't need to have a mentor like one person I can contact but rather use the internet as my mentor.

  • I don't think you can mentor yourself, but what I would do is contact people, ask questions, see if you bond with someone and can build a relationship. You might find someone willing to mentor you if you both find enough common interest.

  • Thanks,

    I had not really considered using the forum or internet in that sort of way. That has certainly given me something to think about.

    Many Thanks.


  • You would be surprised how people become SQL DBA's. I used to run a gaming forum for a few years, one of the members decided to become a DBA. I like to think from time to time, that I helped him along this path. I see him post on this site from time to time. Nice to know he is supporting his family and getting ahead and if he needs any more advice or help. He has my email and number.


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