Apply Service Pack 2 on SQL Server 2005

  • Dear All,

    How to apply the SP 2 on existing SQL Server 2005 ? How can I verify that SP2 has ben applied or not ?

    Kindly reply

  • select @@version o/p will tell you.

  • Thanks.:-)

  • Use this command

    select serverproperty('ProductLevel')

    This is better when compared to select @@version

    Chandra Mohan[/font]

  • Service Pack 3 has been out for a while now, you would be better off going straight to that.


  • apply by ensuring all connections to the databases are stopped, backup your databases, then run the installation file and follow instructions. The id you install with shoould ahve admin rights on the server. Apply to a test server first for practice and to prove your app is ok with it.

    Be warned this cannot be rolled back, to remove it you would have to uninstall\reinstall SQL, so make sure you are able to do that if you have to.


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