Trace Profiler GUI

  • I ran a trace using the GUI expecting it to run continuously,only to find out that it stopped due to unknown error. Is it designed to run continuously everyday or just a period of time, say, limit in the number of hours of tracing?

    How can I make it run continuously, because I'm trying to save all traces on a certain stored procedure to a table for audit purposes. The vendor of the system we are using are not keen to change their table structure to add 'changeByName' and changeByDate', so I'm trying to capture it from the parameters supplied to that SP i'm monitoring. Any ideas?


  • I'd say lookup sp_trace_create and see if that would work for you..


  • dont they like that "their" table is changed or dont they like that you add a table for auditing purposes ?

    if it's the first situation i would consider triggers which log to a dedicated table for logging (with a cleanup procedure).

    i found an article about using traces:

    Default trace - A Beginner's Guide

    By Adam Haines, 2008/11/11

  • Edward, they don't like to change the structure for simple requests from users like that. Fortunately I was able to grab a tutorial on tracing, made it as a stored proc, and now extracting all parameters to the update stored proc that I'm trying to monitor.

    Thanks for the link. Good day.

  • In general you should not run the GUI profiler continuously. a) it has a MUCH more significant overhead on the server than profiling to a local disk file and b) it can miss events if things get busy

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

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