Issue with Money to Varchar Conversion

  • Hi there,

    I have the following SQL Syntax -

    SELECT DISTINCTSALE.Reference AS 'mhs Reference',

    SALE.CustomerOrderRef AS 'arcHouse Reference',


    TOT.ProductsCharges AS 'Net Total',

    CONVERT (VARCHAR(10),TOT.TaxTotal)AS 'Tax',

    TOT.ProductsCharges + TOT.TaxTotal AS 'Gross Total',



    FROM dbo.[Updates]AS UP


    dbo.[SalesOrders] AS SALE

    ON UP.TableRecordUID = SALE.UID


    dbo.[Customers] AS CUST

    ON SALE.CustomerID = CUST.UID


    dbo.[SalesOrdersTotals] AS TOT

    ON SALE.UID = TOT.SalesOrderID

    WHERE UP.UpdatedText = 'Fully Invoiced'

    ANDUP.SystemFormID = '45'

    ANDUP.CreatedDate >= '27/07/2009'

    AND CUST.ParentCustomerID = '41'

    --AND TOT.TaxTotal <> '0.00'

    ORDER BY UP.CreatedDate,


    When I run this I get 175 results, which I am happy with.

    When I unrim

    AND TOT.TaxTotal <> '0.00'

    I get the following error -

    Disallowed implicit conversion from data type varchar to data type money, table 'CP98Data.dbo.SalesOrdersTotals', column 'TaxTotal'. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.

    TOT.TaxTotal is held in the database as money.

    Any ideas why I would be getting the error? Thanks

  • AND TOT.TaxTotal '0.00'

    Take the quotes off

    AND TOT.TaxTotal 0.00 and it should work.

  • So easy when you know how.

    Thanks so much.

  • By way of explanation, it appears to be trying to convert the money datatype to the varchar datatype to make the comparison. (Not convert the '0.00' to money.) However, the money datatype is essentially a numeric datatype that can be converted to a string containing currency symbols, or not. It wanted you to do an explicit conversion to say exactly what that string would be before comparing it to the '0.00' string.

    By removing the quote, you just compared numbers to numbers. The additional .00 wasn't needed. Zero would have been fine all by itself.

    What is puzzling here is that I can declare a variable as a money datatype, assign it a dollar value, and then compare it to a string like '0.00' without any problems on my system.

    declare @sample table (moolah money)

    insert into @sample

    select 1 union all

    select 2 union all

    select 3

    select convert(varchar(10),moolah) as Filthy_Lucre

    from @sample

    where moolah >= '2.00'


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    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

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