Ignored words in full-text searches

  • Hi,

    I am using Microsoft Indexing Service to index a set of PDF files and then running the following SQL code (within a stored procedure):

    SELECT TOP 500 Results.VPath AS URL

    FROM OPENROWSET('MSIDXS', 'PSAJournals';''; '',

    'SELECT Rank, VPath FROM SCOPE(''deep traversal of "/journals" '') WHERE CONTAINS(''" 0') AS Results

    ORDER BY [Rank] DESC

    If the search terms all happen to be stop-words, SQL 2005 generates the following error message:

    OLE DB provider "MSIDXS" for linked server "(null)" returned message "The query contained only ignored words. ".

    I was hoping it would simply return no rows, which seems to be what happens when using full-text searches on standard tables. The error is filtering up to the web-page and causing my site to break; is there any way I can catch it within my stored procedure and simply discard it (rather like try {} and catch {} in C#)?

    All answers gratefully received,

    Ed Graham

  • SQL 2005 supports TRY and CATCH logic.


    SELECT TOP 500 Results.VPath AS URL

    FROM OPENROWSET('MSIDXS', 'PSAJournals';''; '',

    'SELECT Rank, VPath FROM SCOPE(''deep traversal of "/journals" '')

    WHERE CONTAINS(''" 0') AS Results

    ORDER BY [Rank] DESC



    SELECT '' as URL

    WHERE 1 = 0 -- forces zero rows returned



    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Fantastic, Bob -- that's exactly what I needed. Thanks a million!

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