error trap help

  • I have a sql script which is supposed to load rows to a remote db. It has been getting an error (which it should), the problem is instead of ending the script it updates the selected records as sent (which it did not because of the error)

    Here is the script, and below it the error it returns, must be having a brain lock


    select newid() as cms_order_num,l.costcenter,7 as requesttype,

    left(l.siteid,5) as instid,left(l.siteid,5) as siteid,

    prescriptionnumber as rxno,f.pharmid,refilldate as insert_date, 'n' as rec_status,


    into #temprefills

    from refill r

    inner join location l on = r.locationid

    inner join servername.fac.dbo.facilities f on f.facid = l.costcenter

    where sendtopharmacy = 1

    and senttopharmacy = 0

    --load to pharmacy

    declare @error int

    set @error = @@error

    INSERT INTO servername.[Pharm].[dbo].[cms_refillimport]











    select * from #temprefills

    print @@error

    if @@error <> 0


    goto exitsp


    --update processed records

    print 'should not be here'

    update refill

    set senttopharmacy = 'True'

    where sendtopharmacy = 1 and prescriptionnumber in (select rxno from #temprefills)

    drop table #temprefills


    print 'leaving'

    drop table #temprefills





    (4 row(s) affected)

    Msg 248, Level 16, State 1, Line 16

    The conversion of the varchar value '6287684900001' overflowed an int column. Maximum integer value exceeded.

    The statement has been terminated.


    should not be here

    (4 row(s) affected)


    Msg 3701, Level 11, State 5, Line 45

    Cannot drop the table '#temprefills', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.

  • well, personally never used GOTO in a stored proc, so i can't comment on that, but try this. Note that it requires SQL Server 2005+, as the TRY-CATCH blocks don't exist in prior versions.


    select newid() as cms_order_num,


    7 as requesttype,

    left(l.siteid, 5) as instid,

    left(l.siteid, 5) as siteid,

    prescriptionnumber as rxno,


    refilldate as insert_date,

    'n' as rec_status,


    into #temprefills

    from refill r

    inner join location l on = r.locationid

    inner join servername.fac.dbo.facilities f on f.facid = l.costcenter

    where sendtopharmacy = 1

    and senttopharmacy = 0

    --load to pharmacy


    INSERT INTO servername.[Pharm].[dbo].[cms_refillimport]













    -- Don't think this select is necessary for anything, probably should remove it --

    select *

    from #temprefills



    print 'leaving'

    drop table #temprefills

    RETURN 0


    --update processed records

    print 'should not be here'

    update refill

    set senttopharmacy = 'True'

    where sendtopharmacy = 1

    and prescriptionnumber in ( select rxno

    from #temprefills )

    drop table #temprefills


  • Guess what happens when you print @@error? It resets to 0 because the PRINT statement executed successfully. Try commenting that out.

    Best practice is to always assign @@Error to a variable and then test the variable. It keeps booboos like that from biting you.

    declare @x int

    declare @err int

    set @x = 6287684900001 -- force error

    set @err = @@ERROR -- trap the value of @@ERROR

    -- (@@ERROR gets set to 0 by the successful execution of the above statement)

    select @@ERROR as [@@ERROR], @err as [@err] -- see the difference?

    if @err = 0 goto DAD

    -- if @@ERROR = 0 goto MOM


    select 'Hi Mom'



    select 'Hi Dad'


    Cannot drop the table '#temprefills', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.

    You're always going to see this, until you have something in place at the end of your update session that either says return, or says to skip that exitsp section. It's not like you are branching to subroutines.

    Definitely take the time to read up on TRY/CATCH logic.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Actually the select statement you told me to remove inputs the data referenced with the insert

  • print @@error ????


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

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