Find sp in server

  • Hi,

    Is there a way to identify whether a particular stored procedure is available in what are all database under particaular server.

    For Example: sp_FindDetails

    Server Name : Records

    Database Name: Files

    Database name: Data

    I want to list out all database name which contain the sp 'sp_FindDetails'

  • Hi,

    Try this,

    SELECT * FROM DatabaseName..SYSComments Where text = 'sp_FindDetails'

  • Try this

    Exec sp_MSForEachDB 'SELECT ''?'' AS DataBaseName, * FROM ?..sysObjects WHERE name = ''sp_FindDetails'''

  • I ran across this Object Finder add-in for SSMS some time ago. It seems works well.

    Hope it helps. Regards, Grady Christie

  • Hi

    And another solution:


    SELECT @sql = (SELECT 'SELECT ' + QUOTENAME(Name, '''') + ' AS DbName, * ' +

    'FROM ' + QUOTENAME(Name) + '.sys.procedures ' +

    'WHERE name = ' + QUOTENAME('sp_FindDetails', '''') + CHAR(10)

    FROM sys.databases

    FOR XML PATH(''))

    EXECUTE (@sql)

    More important

    You should avoid to call your procedures "sp_" this causes SQL Server to look first to master-db before searching in your and decreases your performance.



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