One To Many Help

  • I have the following sample data and query. The tblControl (cl) has a one to many relationship with tblControlAssociates (cla) and tblControlAssignments (cls). I need to be able to bring up all associates to the same row based on the Receipt. I've never used a pivot or crosstab in TSQL, but no aggregations are necessary so I'm not sure those methods would apply here.

    Declare @Temp Table


    facility VarChar(25)

    , Dept VarChar(25)

    , Receipt VarChar(25)

    , PO VarChar(25)

    , TeamLoad bit

    , Associate VarChar(50)


    Insert Into @Temp Values('Charleston','Freezer','BWA080612091455','5889','1','Damian Smith')

    Insert Into @Temp Values('Charleston','Freezer','BWA080612091455','5889','1','Bryan Waton')


    f.strName AS Facility

    ,d.strName AS Dept

    ,cl.strReceiptNo AS Receipt

    ,po.strPurchaseOrder AS PO

    ,cl.bitteamload AS TeamLoad

    ,cla.strName AS Associate

    FROM dbo.tblControlPurchaseOrders AS po

    JOIN dbo.tblControl AS cl

    ON po.guidControlID=cl.guidControlID

    JOIN dbo.tblFacilities AS f

    ON cl.guidFacilityID=f.guidFacilityID

    JOIN dbo.tblDepartments AS d

    ON cl.guidDepartmentID=d.guidDepartmentID

    JOIN dbo.tblControlAssociates AS cla

    ON cl.guidControlID=cla.guidControlID

    JOIN dbo.tblControlAssignments AS cls

    ON cla.guidControlAssociateID=cls.guidControlAssociateID

    the query returns the following result:

    Facility, Dept, Receipt, PO, TeamLoad, Associate

    CharlestonFreezerBWA080612091455 58891Bryan Waton

    CharlestonFreezerBWA080612091455 58891Damion Smith

    For Each Receipt I would like to be able to return the row like this:

    Facility, Dept, Receipt, PO, TeamLoad, Associate1, Associate2

    CharlestonFreezerBWA080612091455 58891Bryan Waton Damion Smith

    Any given Receipt may have one or many Associates. I'm thinking maybe there is some way to use a count of associates on each Receipt and populate that number of columns (Associate1, Associate2, Associate3, etc.) for all Associates related to that Receipt.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

  • Pardon the "Let Me Google That For You", but here are some places for you to start your research:

    Google Search of SSC

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