Running Stored Procedure gives error --> The identifier that starts with is too long. Maximum length is 128.

  • Hi,

    Please help me about this problem. I am trying to run stored procedure but when argument is long. it gives error The identifier that starts with is too long. Maximum length is 128.

    I have rounded my parameters with [] characters because I have strings inside of the parameter values Like [UnitSno LIKE 'AZX%']. And I dont know what chracaters to round the parameter value if the parameter contains some strings inside of the paprameter like [UnitSno LIKE 'AZX%']

    If I am trying to pass below command to SP it gives error

    [SP_ASD_LIMITED_RESULT] [UNIT_REP], [UnitRepairKey], '*', 'UnitSno LIKE 'AZX%'', 20, 20

    Below call of the SP is working fine and gives expected results

    execute [SP_ASD_LIMITED_RESULT] [UNIT_REP], [UnitRepairKey], '*', [UnitSno LIKE 'AZX%'], 20, 20

    If I put inside of the [] characters long enough statement then this

    "The identifier that starts with is too long. Maximum length is 128."

    error is coming. Like below

    execute 'SP_ASD_LIMITED_RESULT' 'UNIT_REP', 'UnitRepairKey', '*', [UnitSno LIKE 'AZX%', abcde = 'balaa blaa%', wer= 'balaa blaa%', tyh= 'balaa blaa%', fret= 'balaa blaa%', abcythjghde = 'balaa blaa%', abcfdfde = 'balaa blaa%', erdf= 'balaa blaa%', abdfdfcde = 'balaa blaa%', abcde = 'balaa blaa%', rtytu= 'balaa blaa%', abwetgdwcde = 'balaa blaa%', abcde = 'balaa blaa%', kjui= 'balaa blaa%', nyhbg= 'balaa blaa%', uujiu= 'balaa blaa%', etgyhy= 'balaa blaa%',], 20, 20

    So question is what characters to use if I want to pass long statement to SP and it's contains parameters what includes --> 'asd%'



  • I realy dint understand the actual probelm....

    but still, you should enclose ONLY the column names with "[]".

    some thing like below..

    [UnitSno] LIKE 'AZX%'

    and NOT [UnitSno LIKE 'AZX%'] - which is wrong....

    pls clarify the problem.....

  • Thanks GilaMonster for your reply.

    So the problem is when I am trying to execute SP with long parameter (more than 128) values, then I am getting this error.

    I have to deliver to my stored procedure

    following parameter which contains ' characters I get the error


    (UN_ABCD.C = 'XXX')

    AND (UN_ABCD.D IN (6)) AND (UN_ABCD.scrap = 0)


    AND (UN_ABCD.F <= '30.11.2008')

    AND (UN_ABCD.G NOT IN (1, 3))




    then I have get this error.

  • Assuming that the long parameter forms a part of a where clause in one of your queries in the procedure, you have first get rid of the single identifier (i.e. "[" & "]" characters) enclosing the long parameter and then use double quotes instead of single quotes withing the long parameter. For e.g.

    EXECUTE SP_ASD_LIMITED_RESULT 'UNIT_REP', 'UnitRepairKey', '*', 'UnitSno LIKE ''AZX%''', 20, 20



  • it looks like you are passing dynamic WHERE condition and hitting the boundary on the length. So why dont you break you conditions and pass it smalll chunks like first 5 where conditions in 1st parameter and next 5 where conditions in 2nd parameter and so on.

  • Hi

    Is it possible that your procedure parameter is restricted to length of 128?

    I just tried with a 10,000 characters long VARCHAR and it works fine.



  • Hi all who helped me,

    Case is this I have now fixed the problem of this length. Problem was with the ' signs.

    You have put two '' signs front and end of the variable if it's inside of parameters what is sent to SP, like this way


    ' UNIT_Rooster AS [UN_REP], PRERERRE AS [PROD] ',

    '[UN_REP].receive, [UN_REP].un',

    ' [UN_REP].receive, [UN_REP].un ,

    '[PROD].prd = [UN_REP].vbn AND ([UN_REP].ert = ''INTSITE'')

    AND ([UN_REP].jkl LIKE ''S3%'') ', 4, 20

    But now these parameters are send successfully to SP I am getting another error about

    Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The multi-part identifier "UN_REP.receive" could not be bound.

    So somehow system it's not regognizing aliases even it's working if I print the

    variable data and use this printed result in sql query analyzer.

    Here is the code and error is coming from that.

    SET @Statement = 'SELECT @TotalNumRows = COUNT(1)

    FROM ' + @tables + '

    WHERE ' + @whereStatement

    PRINT @Statement -- bebug

    EXEC sp_executeSQL @Statement , @params = N'@TotalNumRows INT OUTPUT', @TotalNumRows = @TotalNumRows OUTPUT



  • The error indicates the the formed query either does not have a table or column with the specified alias.

    Can you post the exact query text that has been executed by sp_executesql procedure?


  • Hi,

    here is the statement what is executed in this statement.It's working quite fine if I am running that in query analyzer. But when it's executed inside of the SP it's creates errors

    SELECT TotalNumRows = COUNT(1)



    [PROD].prMaCode = [UN_REP].itemC

    AND ([UN_REP].siteid = 'IN')

    AND ([UN_REP].rep IN (2,4)) AND ([UN_REP].sc = 0) AND

    ([UN_REP].pono LIKE '%') AND ([UN_REP].receive <= '11/30/2008')

    AND ([UN_REP].ServT NOT IN (1, 3)) AND ([UN_REP].CustID LIKE '%')

    AND ([UN_REP].Vendor LIKE '%')

    AND ([UN_REP].ItemC LIKE 'S3%')

    Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The multi-part identifier "UN_REP.itemC" could not be bound.

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