How to Truncate all Tables?

  • I've tried several approaches to this including an older one that cursored through the tables to disable all the constraints, truncate all the tables, then enable all the constraints. I've also tried this one which seems simpler and appears to do the same thing without cursors:

    exec sp_MSforeachtable 'ALTER TABLE ? NOCHECK CONSTRAINT ALL'

    exec sp_MSforeachtable 'ALTER TABLE ? DISABLE TRIGGER ALL'

    exec sp_MSforeachtable 'TRUNCATE TABLE ?'

    exec sp_MSforeachtable 'ALTER TABLE ? CHECK CONSTRAINT ALL'

    exec sp_MSforeachtable 'ALTER TABLE ? ENABLE TRIGGER ALL'

    I still get errors trying to truncate a couple of the tables:

    Msg 4712, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Cannot truncate table 'dbo.Lessons' because it is being referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint.

    I ran a query to see if there were any constraints on the DB and I get three constraints left:





    Why are there still constraints active after I executed a NOCHECK CONSTRAINT ALL on every table? Is there a way to enable truncation of all tables regardless of PK->FK structure?


  • Thanks. You'd think people who publish an article titled "How to Truncate All Tables in a Database" would put that little caveat in there...


  • except for the fact that a delete is logged and truncate is not, doing a DELETE and the DBCC RESEED has the same affect.

    this script grabs the tables in FK order and produces the TRUNCATE,DELETE and DBCC reseed statements you might need:



    @Level INT,

    @MovedToNewLevel INT,

    @sql varchar(1024),

    @err varchar(125),

    @LastBatch int

    CREATE TABLE #Hierarchy

    (FKLevel INT,

    TblName VARCHAR(100),

    id Numeric


    -- Populate the table

    INSERT INTO #Hierarchy

    select 0 AS 'FKLevel', name as 'TblName',id

    FROM sysobjects where xtype='U' and

    id not in (select rkeyid from sysforeignkeys) and

    id not in (select fkeyid from sysforeignkeys)

    INSERT INTO #Hierarchy select 1 AS 'FKLevel', name as 'TblName',id

    FROM sysobjects where xtype='U' and

    id not in (select id from #Hierarchy) and

    id in (select rkeyid from sysforeignkeys) and

    id not in (select fkeyid from sysforeignkeys)

    INSERT INTO #Hierarchy select 2 AS 'FKLevel', name as 'TblName',id

    FROM sysobjects where xtype='U' and

    id not in (select id from #Hierarchy) and

    id in (select fkeyid from sysforeignkeys)

    -- Set the variables

    set @Level=2

    set @MovedtoNewLevel=1

    WHILE @MovedtoNewLevel <> 0


    set @LastBatch=@MovedtoNewLevel

    set @sql='update #Hierarchy set FKLevel = FKLevel + 1 where FKLevel=' + CAST(@Level as varchar) + ' and'

    set @sql=@sql + ' id in (select fkeyid from sysforeignkeys where fkeyid<>rkeyid and'

    set @sql=@sql + ' rkeyid in (select id from #Hierarchy where FKLevel=' + CAST(@Level as varchar) + ' ))'


    SET @MovedtoNewLevel = @@Rowcount

    set @err='#ID''s yet to be processed :' + convert(varchar,@MovedtoNewLevel)



    if @LastBatch=@MovedtoNewLevel


    select top 1 @err= TblName from #Hierarchy WHERE FKLevel IN(SELECT MAX(FKLevel) FROM #Hierarchy )

    set @err = 'possible Circular FK''s found, arbitrarily changing ' + @err + ' to break circular reference.'

    RAISERROR (@err,1,1)

    set rowcount 1

    UPDATE #Hierarchy SET FKLevel = FKLevel - 1

    WHERE FKLevel IN(SELECT MAX(FKLevel) FROM #Hierarchy )

    set rowcount 0



    SELECT @Level = @Level + 1


    select 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' + TblName from #Hierarchy where FKLevel = 0

    select 'DELETE ' + TblName from #Hierarchy where FKLevel > 0 order by FKLevel

    select 'DBCC CHECKIDENT( [' + TblName + '],RESEED,1)' from #Hierarchy where FKLevel > 0 order by FKLevel

    drop table #Hierarchy


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Thanks. I'll give that a shot.


  • Alternately, you could generate a schema script and just re-create a blank DB. If this is something you have to do often, you could even take a backup of your blank DB so you could just restore the blank DB instead of re-creating. This would give you the option of including any static data that you did not want to truncate.

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • That was a thought however responsibilities and server authorities are split for DBA here and I've had problems taking that approach with other DBs, hence my search for a method that doesn't actually involve dropping and recreating objects.


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