Updating production databases

  • Here is the process i follow now.

    1. Backup prod databases on network drive and restore them onto stage 2. update db's on stage

    3. Backup again on Netwrok drive and Restore them to Prod

    Instead of this i would like to change 3rd step, if i dettach and attach them from stage to production does it save my time. ofourse it takes time to move file from server to server.

    Do you guys have any automated scripts which move files from server to server and then attach databases.

    I would also welcome any suggestions,advise to improve this task.


  • Do you take the Prod Db offline while you doing this? Otherwise potentially any changes to the data go bye, bye.

    I personally have a bit different approach.

    I restore the backup to a test environment. Create scripts that update the database, run them on the test system to make sure all works then apply the scripts to the production. Saves moving the files and I do not have to take the DB offline.

    [font="Verdana"]Nothing is impossible.
    It is just a matter of time and money.[/font]

  • Tara,

    You didn't mention what kinds of changes you're making to the database. Are you updating objects such as stored procedures, views, tables or updating data in tables? Either method you describe seems kind of radical for those kinds of changes.

    I don't have any production databases that I'd be able to make inaccessible by detaching.


  • I don't think you should ever want to restore a production database unless you lost data that can not be recovered.

  • may be you update only data right?

  • yes i update only data in my stage as and when i get new data and then mvoe them to production.

    our production databases are enabled only to read the data and can not change any data by any one except me and so to have minimal downtime and good perforamnce during my updates i do them on stage.

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