Counts of similar databases as sql job

  • I do have multiple DEv and Prod servers where in most of the time databases are similar when comapred ot Dev and Prod. Usually Dev databases are moved to Prod periodically as and when updated.

    I would like to compare counts on the databases from Dev and Prod each time and make a report before and after moving to prod, how would i automate such process for auditing instead of manually doing everytime and also would like to have an ssrs report with it.

    Have you guys did such things before?? i need some input on how to proceed, if you have already did so, can you please share scripts related to this.


  • What purpose is this report going to serve?

  • we have to do an auditing before and after updating production databases.

  • Tara, what you want to say with "counts" ?

    $hell your Experience !!![/url]

  • Why not write the output of the scripts to a file and review after implementation. The output could include both DDL and DML.

    You could have timestamp appended to the output file to ensure compliance.

  • Hi,

    You can create a before and after dump of the objects in the dat base and compare what has changed.

    See below.

    or SQLDiff does the job pretty well but I am too cheap to buy it.

    Stored Procs and functions

    Select Routine_Name,Routine_Type,Routine_Definition

    Into SPBefore



    Select Routine_Name,Routine_Type,Routine_Definition

    Into SPAfter



    --View changes

    Select B.*, A.*

    From Before B

    Inner Join After A

    On(A.Routine_Name= B.Routine_Name

    And A.Routine_Type= B.Routine_Type)



    Select As TableName,c.Name as ColumnName, As DataType, c.length As Size

    Into Before

    From sys.tables as t inner join

    sys.syscolumns as c on (t.object_id =

    Inner Join sys.types d on(d.user_type_id = c.xusertype)

    Order By t.Name,c.Name


    Select As TableName,c.Name as ColumnName, As DataType, c.length As Size

    Into After

    From sys.tables as t inner join

    sys.syscolumns as c on (t.object_id =

    Inner Join sys.types d on(d.user_type_id = c.xusertype)

    Where ! ='Before'

    Order By t.Name,c.Name

    --View changes

    Select B.*, A.*

    From Before B

    Inner Join After A

    On(A.TableName = B.TableName

    And A.ColumnName = B.ColumnName)



    We are the pilgrims, master.
    We shall go always, a little further.
  • Now i understand what is "counts"...

    Well in my case, when i have to get information in various sql server servers and databases, i use powershell + SMO + XML to do this. In almost cases with 10, 15 code lines i get all information that i need in all servers and databases at once.

    But in your case, depending on the complexity of the structure of database and what you want to compare after and before, i think a tool to do this can be used , like jamie said.

    $hell your Experience !!![/url]

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