Dynamic SQL

  • I am runnig the follwing sql in the same server though i have given server name in my sql.

    When i run this i get an error

    Cannot find the object "RevBud' because it does not exist or you do not have permissions.

    set @sql = 'truncate table ' + @server + '.' + @Dev_Rev+ '.dbo.RevBud'

    but when i run this it works fine and inserts data.

    set @sql = 'insert into ' + @server + '.' + @Dev_Rev+ '.dbo.RevBud

    select RevID, Revdate '

    what is the difference.

  • Change the (not posted 😉 )

    EXECUTE @sql

    To this:

    EXECUTE (@sql)

    Or this (requires @sql as NVARCHAR):

    EXECUTE sp_executesql @sql



  • ofcourse i am doing that else how can irun it without EXEC command but my doubt is different.

  • Oversight...

    You are using a linked server, right?

    "TRUNCATE TABLE " is a DDL statement, not a DML so I think it is not possible with a linked server.

    Maybe it works over OPENQUERY but i did not try.



  • How about providing ALL the code not just snippets? From what you have posted, I have no idea why it didn't work.

  • Differences!!!

    1. "TRUNCATE" deletes all the records from the table whereas "INSERT INTO" inserts data into the table.

    2. "TRUNCATE" requires db_owner or db_ddladmin permissions whereas "INSERT INTO" requires INSERT or db_owner or db_datawriter permissions.

    3. "TRUNCATE" is a DDL statement whereas "INSERT INTO" is a DML statement.


  • Hi

    Are you the owner of the table? If YES then there shouldn't be any problem. In this case looks like you are not the owner of the table. TRUNCATE is DDL privilege and requires special privileges to be granted to the user.

    Thanks -- Vijaya Kadiyala


  • You can either wrap the TRUNCATE in a stored procedure and call that stored procedure instead, or you can use the solution from Perry:

    Perry (2/15/2006)

    However, you could switch to calling sp_executesql remotely, like so:

    execute mylinkedserver.tempdb.dbo.sp_executesql "TRUNCATE TABLE dbo.t1"


    Best Regards,

    Chris Büttner

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