Setting default input variable for stored proc

  • I'm attempting to alter a stored proc. The original proc passes a NULL variable to the stored proc by default. I want it to pass a specific value equal to a table entry. I'm not having any luck, though. This is the syntax for the beginning of the stored proc. Can anyone help?

    ALTER procedure [dbo].[spSelAdvisingMyAdviseesForUI]

    @AdvisorId int

    , @PersonIdNumber varchar(9) = null -- People.People_Id

    , @FirstName varchar(20) = null

    , @LastName varchar(25) = null

    , @TermPeriodId int =


    (select termperiodid from termperiod t

    where academicyear=(select setting from abt_Settings

    where label_name='current_year')

    and academicterm=(select setting from abt_settings

    where label_name='current_term'))

    , @SessionId int = null

    , @ProgramId int = null

    , @DegreeId int = null

    , @CurriculumId int = null

    , @CollegeId int = null

    , @CampusId int = null

    , @DepartmentId int = null

    , @ClassLevelId int = null

    , @FullTimePartTimeId int = null



  • You can not have it like this.

    Let it accept the NULL on @TermPeriodId param

    Then the first thing you do in your procedure is check if value passed in matches the required using something like this.


    (select termperiodid from termperiod t

    where academicyear=(select setting from abt_Settings

    where label_name='current_year')

    and academicterm=(select setting from abt_settings

    where label_name='current_term'))


    RAISERROR ('No corresponding records found', 16, 1)



    Or you can use the foreign key to make sure the values match related tables.

    [font="Verdana"]Nothing is impossible.
    It is just a matter of time and money.[/font]

  • You could also do this:

    1. Use @TermPeriodId int = NULL in your parameters list.

    2. Immediately following SET NOCOUNT ON;

    set @TermPeriodId = isnull((select termperiodid from termperiod t

    where academicyear=(select setting from abt_Settings

    where label_name='current_year')

    and academicterm=(select setting from abt_settings

    where label_name='current_term')),'')



    ,@TermPeriodId int = NULL





    set @TermPeriodId = isnull(@TermPeriodID,

    (select termperiodid from termperiod t

    where academicyear=(select setting from abt_Settings

    where label_name='current_year')

    and academicterm=(select setting from abt_settings

    where label_name='current_term')))




    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Thanks, Bob! That's exactly what I needed! 😀

  • Bob, after reading your post and re-reading lduvall original post I think I was wrong and what you have is what he needs.

    [font="Verdana"]Nothing is impossible.
    It is just a matter of time and money.[/font]

  • No problem, Jace 🙂

    Several times, I've realized that I missed something significant in the original post. Surely it happens to other people too.


    LD, you are quite welcome.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

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