Query Logging - user - \IUSR_SERVERNAME

  • Hi,

    hope someone here can help. I have logging enabled on my SSAS instance and this is logged to a database table. My issue is that we have opened the cubes using IIS and allow anyone in the overall organisation to connect to the cubes. Now the only user I can see is SERVERNAME\IUSR_SERVERVERNAME (I have replaced the name of the server with SERVERNAME).

    Is there any way to find out who these people are as they all seem to get lumped into this generic http access user.

    Many Thanks.


    P.S The user may not be on our domain but must be on the parent organisations network.


  • The user is the IIS anonymous user. At a guess I'd say that you/someone has allowed the IUSR account access (as you found that using integrated meant that those who weren't domain authenticated weren't able to connect). Other than using the IIS logs (ugh), you have no real means of determining who these users are. If they're all coming in to the cubes via an application that sits in IIS, then you could potentially use that application to capture user and usage details.


  • They all come in by using Excel. They add a pivot table, external data source and then use an http address for the server where SSAS resides.

    Thanks for the comments I may have a play with IIS and see if there is someway I can extract this data.



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