How to monitor tempdb data usage

  • Hi,

    My problem is the following:

    tempdb is currently 20Gb data space and still some applications request more space :crying:.

    Since this server contains multiple applications, I'd like to isolate the application that uses most tempdb space / get a detailed view on who is using what.

    It would be ideal if there was a way to find the SQL / temp table

    that cause the problem.

    Can anyone help me with this problem?



  • You could look for some spacemonitoring-scripts.

    A basic loop across the tables and

    the stored procedure sp_spaceused might work also.


    have a look at

  • Thank you for your response.

    But sp_spaceused only gives the answer to "how much tempdb is currently in use". 🙁

    Your link to the space monitoring view is interesting (I bookmarked it)

    but it gives the info only in SQLServer 2005 and not for the temp tables / tempdb.

    Do you have any other suggestions ?

  • The space monitoring in tempdb is the same as any other database. You have to track it over time specifically for tempdb to determine what the usage is.

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