Break out a description field.

  • I have a table with a string field in which I want to pull out the numbers at the end. Anyone know how I could accomplish this?


    Transfer to location S034R6/MAIN RCVR ID 55310-1

    Transfer to location E/MACHINE SHOP RCVR ID 55334-1

    Transfer to location F/MACHINE SHOP RCVR ID 55329-1

    I want to pull out the receiver id at the end of the string (i.e. 55310-1).

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

  • If its always present and the same size use the right() function with the size of that RIGHT(column-name, 7) in your examples.

    If its not the same size then use charindex() or some other method to identify the starting poistion by searching for " id " or some other key value.

  • if you add a tally table, this is one of those magical Tally table wonders that extracts between two delimiters: it pulls out the ID and each of the Id's as a row of data.Note how ID 1 has 3 "ID's but id 2 has 6; it takes into consideration the 1:many thang your descriptions field probably has.

    [font="Courier New"]

    CREATE TABLE #Inventory_Trans (OtherId INT,Description VARCHAR(MAX) )

    INSERT INTO #Inventory_Trans

    SELECT 1,'Transfer to location S034R6/MAIN RCVR ID 55310-1

    Transfer to location E/MACHINE SHOP RCVR ID 55334-1

    Transfer to location F/MACHINE SHOP RCVR ID 55329-1'


    SELECT 2,'Transfer to location S034R6/MAIN RCVR ID 77310-1

    Transfer to location E/MACHINE SHOP RCVR ID 77334-1

    Transfer to location E/MACHINE SHOP RCVR ID 6544-1

    Transfer to location E/MACHINE SHOP RCVR ID 77378-1

    Transfer to location E/MACHINE SHOP RCVR ID 77334-9

    Transfer to location F/MACHINE SHOP RCVR ID 77329-1'

    --now get the ID's using a tally table


    @pre VARCHAR(10),

    @post VARCHAR(10),

    @pr INT,

    @po INT,

    @st INT

    SET @pre = 'ID '

    SET @post = 'Transfer'

    SET @pr = LEN(@pre)

    SET @po = LEN(@post)

    SET @st = 1




    SUBSTRING( T2.Description,

             ( CASE T1.N WHEN 1 THEN 1 ELSE T1.N + @pr END ),

             ( CASE CHARINDEX( @post, T2.Description, T1.N + @pr )      WHEN 0 THEN LEN( T2.Description ) - T1.N + @pr      

               ELSE CHARINDEX( @post, T2.Description, T1.N + @pr ) - ( T1.N + @pr )    END ) ) AS DesiredString ,


    FROM   Tally T1    

    CROSS APPLY #Inventory_Trans T2  

    WHERE  N <= LEN( T2.Description )          

    AND SUBSTRING( T2.Description, T1.N, @pr ) = @pre



    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • DECLARE @Inventory_Trans TABLE (Id INT,Description VARCHAR(800) )

    INSERT INTO @Inventory_Trans ( Id, Description )

    SELECT 1,'Transfer to location S034R6/MAIN RCVR ID 55310-1'

    UNION ALL SELECT 2,'Transfer to location E/MACHINE SHOP RCVR ID 55334-1'

    UNION ALL SELECT 3,'Transfer to location F/MACHINE SHOP RCVR ID 55329-1'

    SELECT Id, SUBSTRING(Description,CHARINDEX('RCVR ID',Description)+9, LEN(Description)- CHARINDEX('RCVR ID',Description) - 8) as Receiver

    FROM @Inventory_Trans

    * Noel

  • That worked. Thank you very much!

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