cross-tab alternative in sql

  • Now i have this query

    TRANSFORM Sum(tbl1.col1) AS SumOfcol1

    SELECT tbl1.col2,

    tbl1.col3 FROM tbl1

    WHERE tbl1.col2 = "Z01" GROUP BY tbl1.col2, tbl1.col3 PIVOT tbl1.col4

    Can we have the alternative of this cross-tab query (MSAccess)

    changed to the SQL version.

    I know i have not given data..however can we try and change the statement in sql. Please....


  • I can't answer your immediate question, however, Jeff Moden has written some extensive articles here on SQLServerCentral and I would recommend taking a look at them first.

    start here:

    best of luck and tgif,


  • also if you give us an example of some data then we could help you.

    I don't understand the syntax you have pasted so I'm not 100% sure what you pivoting.

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