Can't connect to clustered server locally or remotely

  • Installed SQL Server 2005 on Windows clustered server and can't connect to it from Studio Manager. I get the 26 error from Services Provider. There is no firewall. I can ping the primary node, secondary node and the virtual ip address... which is what the server is listening on... I need some assistance on what it could be...

    Thank You in Advance.

  • Here's my current setup:

    torsqla01n1 - active node

    torsqla01n2 - passive node

    DB instance name - sqla17n1

    virtual name - sqla17

    How should I connect to this guy in Studio Manager?

    I assume it is TORSQLA01N1\SQLA17

    Right now it works with SQLA17\SQLA17N1...

    I have a feeling something was set up incorrect with the IP...

  • Please check the TCP/IP Protocol is enabled

    Also, check if sql server browser service is running

  • If the virtual server name is sqla17 and the instance name is sqla17n1, the connection would be to:


    One thing you might want to check is to see what port SQL Server is listening on. You can find that in SQL Server Configuration Manager. In that case you can try and connect to the virtual instance name and the port, for instance:


    So if it's listening on port 5678, you would connect to sqla17,5678.

    K. Brian Kelley

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