How to analyze Server Side Traces

  • Hi,

    Since my server is too slow to run profiler traces, I'm going to run server side traces. But I don't know How I should analyze it! I've studied MSDN but it didn't help. Does anyone have better description or article please 😉

  • have u setup the trace?

    if u haven't, pls refer this doc

    when your trace started, it will store trace files in a folder.

    after that, u need to use this function (::fn_trace_gettable('c:\trace_file.trc', default)) to insert your trace data into a table.

    u can copy all trace files to your local hard drive, and then, insert the data into a sql server located on your machine.

    like this:

    SELECT * into mytable FROM ::fn_trace_gettable('c:\trace_file.trc', default)

    after that, u should be able to analyze the data in your table.

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