Sorting SSIS files in integration services project

  • Hi Experts,

    When you and your team writes a whole bunch of ssis, they are not ordered by names, unlike other Microsoft files such as web forms, classes.. needless to say, it takes a long time to locate the file you are after.

    i would like to make my ssis ordered by when the project is being loaded.

    since all dtsx files are stored in some xml file somewhere with my project, i am thinking of writing a tool that will open up this file and do this.

    i have 2 questions:

    1. where this file would be and what its name?

    2. what would be the best way to go about writing this tool and/or someone already done something similar, please?

    thank you so much for your help and any leads.

  • The same un-sorted list also happens in SQL Server Management Studio projects. Personally, I fix the issue by editing the file in UltraEdit or notepad.

    However, if raw editing of XML is not to your taste, try changing the project's file extension to .XML and then editing the file in Visual Studio. You can then re-order the files by moving the chunks of XML around. Then save the file and then change its extension back again.

    Of course, check your project into your source code control system BEFORE you do any of this!!!

  • Thank you for writing me back. this is great, but we have around 100 ssis and more coming. it's got to be something more automatic so others in my team will be able to do it too.

    any idea?

  • An XSLT transform using the sort option on the relevant nodes should do it! You could deploy this as a command line utility to all the team. Even build it into the source code system's checkin (if it will support such an extension).

    If you build it, post it to a forum such as this so others could use it. I would certainly use such a tool. In fact I may write one just for the hell of it.

  • Check out the following website

    This shows an utility that you can use to sort the packages in a project.

  • wow! this is exactly what i need! i just did all the steps and it works! thank you muchely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • It seems that the product is no longer available for downloads. Are there any other products available?

  • there is a product code BidsHelper which has a sort capacity among other features.

  • I am very happily using Bids Helper; here is a list of other SSIS features within Bids Helper:

    [This list doesn’t include available features for SSRS, SSAS]

    Create Fixed Width Columns

    Deploy SSIS Packages

    Design Warnings

    dtsConfig File Formatter

    Expression and Configuration Highlighter

    Expression List

    Fix Relative Paths

    Non-Default Properties Report

    Pipeline Component Performance Breakdown

    Reset GUIDs

    Smart Diff

    Sort Project Files

    Sortable Package Properties Report

    SSIS Performance Visualization

    Variables Window Extensions

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