How to find Installed Instance Names using SQL query ?

  • Hi all,

    How to find how many instance is installed in your machine. along with its version....

    Is there any sql command through which i get the installed instance details ....?

    I want inforamtion like

    ServerName (Version) ----> if it is default instance

    ServerName\NamedInstanceName ---->


    Shashi Kant Chauhan

  • try this


  • I'm sure there are registry entries you could check, but for a quick dirty look at your environment as a whole you could look into SQL Ping


    To help us help you read this[/url]For better help with performance problems please read this[/url]

  • A second vote for SQLPing. Let a domain admin run it for best results. Very useful discovery and auditing tool.

    K. Brian Kelley

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