Backup job fails with Error 3013

  • I have a backup job that takes a full backup of my production database on a daily basis.

    It was running fine but all of a sudden, it failed with the following error message.


    Executed as user: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM. Write on "D:\MSSQL\SQLBackup\Prod_CT.bak" failed: 1(error not found) [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 3202) BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 3013). The step failed.

    I tried executing the backup statement from the Query analyzer and that also failed with the same message.

    I changed the location of the backup file to D:\Prod_CT.bak and tried executing from the query analyzer and it worked fine.

    The syntax used for the backup job is as mentioned below.

    backup database Ctrack to disk = 'D:\MSSQL\SQLBackup\Prod_CT.bak' with init

    Any pointers would be of much help.

  • Are you able to take the database backup to the specified location

    using enterprise manager manually?


  • Manual backup from enterprise manager is also failing with the same error.

    This is a SQL Server 2005 instance. Also, the backups were happening fine earlier.

  • Please check tis link and let me know whether it helped or not:-


  • Thank you for your response. Unfortunately, the default backup location is the same in the registry and the account executing the backup has the required permissions in the backup location.

    Also, I re-enabled the schedule to execute yesterday night and it has completed successfully.

    I am not sure why it failed and fixed itself automatically:unsure:

  • you can cehck in your sql server log to find out why the backups failed. generally it turns to be an IOerror

  • What is size of database/s? Is your folder compressed?

    I had read somewhere, that if your database size increase to 30-40 gb and backup is taken in compressed folder then it will tend to fail with the same error. And if it increases beyond 50 GB it will fail.

    Also check if the disk backups jobs are not running at the same time.

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