Uninstalling sql server 2005 sp3

  • Uninstalling sql server 2005 sp3 does't seems to be working out as the sp3 help says that.

    After SQL Server 2005 SP3 has been applied, it cannot be removed without uninstalling the entire product.

    This what undesirable for me. I need to give the Backout plan when we raise change request to the change board as they can directly reject my database change for SP3.

    Is there any easy way i can uninstall sp3.

  • There is no way to uninstall the service pack.

    Make a backup of all the databases prior to the upgrade as you'll need them should you need to roll back out. In that situation you will have to reinstall SQL and bring it back up to your existing sp level.

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog http://sirsql.net

  • but i am successful in uninstalling the hotfix cu1. you can just goto add remove program and click the remove button. But the same remove button was not available for sp3.

  • That'll be cos you can't remove it.

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog http://sirsql.net

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