SSAS Cube Confusion

  • All,

    This is my 1st time working on SSAS.Here is what has been done so far.

    Created dim and fact table from SSIS Data Warehouse Load

    Created a VS project type SSA,Identified Data Source ,Data Source View,Dimension Tables, Created cubes.

    Browsed Cube -All looks good

    Deployed the Project.

    Connect to Mngt studio > SSAS and I can see the cube,dimensions,data source view, and data source.

    Connect To Report Manager,In Data Source folder create a connection to the Data Source used by the SSAS project.

    Generate a Report Model based on the Data Source.

    Click on Report Builder and connect to Report Model > Cube and create reports on it.

    1) Can someone let me know if this what is normally done for cube creation,deployment ?

    2) I was expecting to be able to browse the cube on Report Builder the same way it was done in SSAS > Cube > Browser...Am I wrong in making this assumption

    3) How can I use the measures and hierarchy that I had defined in VS, while reporting from the cube in Report Builder ?


    Pretty Lost

  • Im still confused and have not received any answers.

    Anyone ?

  • Your design/deployment/etc all sounds pretty normal.

    I haven't looked at Report Builder for a while, but last time i looked, the idea was that it was a report designing tool, not an analytical tool. If you want to provide drill/slice/dice etc etc then you'll need to implement one or more other tools e.g. client-side: use Excel 2007, Cognos Powerplay etc. Server-side: look in to performancepoint (analytical grids provide some nice 'heres a report, now let me drill deeper' functionality).




  • Do you have any doc or links that I can learn on how to implement the [drill/slice/dice] for clients in Excel 2007 ..or any other supporting client applications ? Basically How this is done ?

    I would really want to make full use of this functionallty as we have the cubes and Data Warehouse all up.


  • Before reading/viewing/etc anything, go give it a try 🙂 In Excel 2007, go to 'Data' tab on the riboon, and then click 'From other sources' drop down and select Analysis Services. Enter the details for your server and a new pivottable will be created in the sheet for you (it's empty, use the field list to add/remove items).

    Things to watch/read (base don first few items returned by google using search string of excel 2007 +"analysis services"

    everyones friend, Brian Knight on jumpstart TV

    some msdn labs thingy

    a doc on how to design your cubes for consumption by Excel

    there's heaps more. also google William (Bill) Pearson III, he has a good set of articles all around SSAS/SSRS/ reporting etc etc etc.


  • Thanks Steve,

    I will get started and post questions if any.

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