Package Configurations - SQL Server

  • I have yet to find a solution for this anywhere....I think I've even asked it here before....but we'll give it another try.

    Here's what we have:

    We have a SQL Cluster so we have several SQL Instances but not necessarily multiple servers. We have 4 main environments - Test, Dev, QA and Prod. I need to learn how I can program an SSIS package at the Test level, get it working and then just save a copy of it onto the Dev SQL Server and have it pull its Package Configurations from that new server.

    I have successfully got Package Configurations coming from a SQL Server to work....but I don't know how you get it to pull from a different server so that you can perform some form of Code Migration with the SSIS package.

    Since we don't have different folders that these packages sit in, it really rules out the XML Package Configurations that most people seem to use. At this point, I'd even be happy with a book recommendation that covers this topic.


  • Unfortunately, if you don't have the option of saving dtsConfig files in test/qa/prod folders, you are going to find it hard to set up your SQL server configurations. An XML file in each folder might have allowed you some flexibility.

    The only option you will have (IMHO) is to use a parent package and configure your child package from its variables.

    This adds complexity though.

    - You have to have strong standards to ensure that the connection managers and variables in the child packages all use the correct parent variable names.

    - They are always the last to be loaded regardless of priority you set in the configuration manager so they don't integrate well with any other configurations.

    - The parent package can become quite cumbersome and hard to manage as you add more and more variables.

    This post probably doesn't tell you anything you didn't already know. If you do make any progress I'd be interested to hear.

    Kindest Regards,

    Frank Bazan

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