IP adress for SPID ?

  • Hi All,

    How I can get the IP adress of the host from which login is connecting to my database in SQL server?

    Using sp_who2 I can see SPID, login, to with database is connected. However this login can be used but many users, and I would like to know from with IP is this connection. Hostname is not specified, also there is nothing in ProgramName

    Thank you for your help.

  • it's possible to connect to SQL server without using TCP/IP (you can use named pipes); so those named pipes users would not have an IP address available to query;

    Just like you already identified, I've always tried to use HOSTNAME to try and get an IP Address....I think you might be out of luck on that.

    here's what i've used in the past:

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    DB_NAME(dbid) AS dbname,

    CONVERT(SYSNAME, RTRIM(loginame))         AS loginname,

    CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),'') AS IPAddress

    INTO #myspids

          FROM MASTER.dbo.sysprocesses   (nolock)

    WHERE hostname <> ''


    @spid INT,

    @hostname VARCHAR(64),

    @ip VARCHAR(20)

    DECLARE c1 CURSOR FOR SELECT spid,hostname FROM #myspids

    OPEN c1

    FETCH next FROM c1 INTO @spid,@hostname

    WHILE @@fetch_status <> -1


          CREATE TABLE #tbl (output VARCHAR(255))

          INSERT #tbl

            EXEC xp_cmdShell 'nslookup DAISY|find "Address"'    

          SELECT @ip= LTRIM(RTRIM(REPLACE(output,'Address:' ,''))) FROM   #tbl  WHERE  output LIKE 'Address:%'                                                                                                            

          UPDATE #myspids SET IPAddress = @ip WHERE spid=@spid

          DROP TABLE #tbl

         FETCH next FROM c1 INTO @spid,@hostname


    CLOSE c1


    SELECT * FROM #myspids



    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • That was very helpfull! Thank you :hehe:

  • Hi,

    I think you may be able to use the DMV sys.dm_exec_connections to get the information you require.

    For example the following code will get the IP address of the current connection.

    SELECT client_net_address

    FROM sys.dm_exec_connections

    WHERE session_ID = @@SPID

    Full DMV reference is here:



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