Linked Server using Analysis Service

  • I hope this is in the right category...

    I am trying to connect to analysis services using a linked server on a SQL Server 2005 and am getting an error that the credentials are not being passed. When I check "be made using the Login's current security context” I get an error that states that the login being used is the system Anonymous one. In using the other security contexts do not connect either. This process works fine on a SQL Server 2000 (the 8.0 driver) or 2008 (the 10.0 driver) server but not on SQL Server 2005. Anyone have any ideas what would block the connection to analysis services in the SQL Server 2005 context?

    I am getting this error message when I try to use an explicit name (the context at the bottom of the wizard screen).

    "The OLE DB provider "MSOLAP" for linked server "LINKED_OLAP" reported an error. Access denied.

    Cannot obtain the required interface ("IID_IDBSchemaRowset") from OLE DB provider "MSOLAP" for linked server "LINKED_OLAP". (Microsoft SQL Server Error: 7739)

    Thanks for any info or insight.


  • I resolved this by installing SQL2005 sp3

    DBA/OLAP Developer -
    San Francisco, CA

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