Cascade update

  • I have faced one problem for updating parent-child tables, would appreciate your suggestions.



    ParentCode VARCHAR(10) PRIMARY KEY,

    ParentData VARCHAR(MAX)



    ChildCode VARCHAR(10) PRIMARY KEY,

    ParentCode VARCHAR(10),

    ParentData VARCHAR(MAX)

    I want to update particular ParentCode(key column) & also want to update the associated parentCode in child table

    Query : Update ParentTable SET ParentCode = "001" WHERE ParentCode = "Scr001"

    Query : Update ChildTable SET ParentCode = "001" WHERE ParentCode = "Scr001"

    Q.1 = Is this a valid update?

    Q.2 = How can we achieve this using cascade update?

    Q.3 = The only option i can see here to disable the constraint, update data, enable constraint? Am i right? if yes, there is one problem in this, as I am running these queries on Production Env. this could be wrong way or can rely on this, where continuous inserts are happening?

    Abhijit -

  • Your Child table should be referenced by Primary-Foriegn key relationship.

    If you are using CASCADE DELETE/UPDATE the consecutive members in the child table will get be updated/deleted according to the changes u make to the primary key in the parent table.

    Reference your child table this way:

    ALTER 'childtable'

    ADD CONSTRAINT 'foriegn_keyname' FORIEGNKEY ('columnname'[/i])

    REFERENCES 'Parenttable(primarykeyname)'


    follow this link for a better understanding:

  • when you create a foreign key, you can add the extra commands ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, and then changes to teh parent will automatically propigate to the foreign key:

    the easiest thing to do would be to drop the FK, and re-add it with the cascade commands.

    try this example.

    [font="Courier New"]

    CREATE TABLE ParentTable(

    ParentCode  VARCHAR(10) PRIMARY KEY,

    ParentData  VARCHAR(MAX) )

    CREATE TABLE ChildTable(

    ChildCode    VARCHAR(10) PRIMARY KEY,


    ParentData  VARCHAR(MAX) )

    INSERT INTO ParentTable

    SELECT 'scr001','somedata' UNION

    SELECT 'scr002','moredata'

    INSERT INTO ChildTable

    SELECT 'CHD001','scr001','more stuff' UNION

    SELECT 'CHD002','scr001','other stuff' UNION

    SELECT 'CHD003','scr002','more stuff' UNION

    SELECT 'CHD004','scr002','other stuff'

    SELECT * FROM ParentTable

    SELECT * FROM ChildTable

    UPDATE ParentTable SET ParentCode='001' WHERE ParentCode='scr001'

    SELECT * FROM ParentTable

    SELECT * FROM ChildTable[/font]


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

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